Sky launches 3D channel in pubs


Grumpy Old Git
Apr 7, 2006
Mrs Slocombe's Pussy
Sky launches 3D channel in pubs

Fans will be able to enjoy 3D from the comfort of their bar stool
Sky is kicking off the UK's first 3D channel with a live Premier League football match to be broadcast from nine pubs around the UK this weekend.

The match between Arsenal and Manchester United will be viewable in 3D in pubs in London, Manchester, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Dublin.

In April Sky will roll out its 3D channel to hundreds of other pubs.

Later in the year, Sky 3D will be made available to all Sky+HD customers with a range of content on offer.

This sounds fantastic, if I can't get to the game, I know where I'll be heading. ;)
What happens when all the punters run off with the shutter glasses? What if they don't have enough shutter glasses? Everyone will look the right cnut with the shutter glasses!

How do you know it's the shutter glasses type? That wouldn't make sense, given that whilst the television itself is cheaper for active 3D, the shutter glasses themselves are quite expensive since they need to be able to do the shuttering. In somewhere like a pub where as you say they'll just get nicked, their overall outlay will in the end be far higher.

They'd be best off getting a passive 3D screen even if it costs slightly more. It's actually better techonology anyway, and though the screen is more expensive the glasses themselves cost peanuts to produce and sell. The rate at which I'm sure they'll get stolen, they'll be financially better off that way in the end, because their biggest constant outlay will be buying replacement glasses.
The passive 3D glasses don't work with the modern 3D TV technology, so I'm just guessing that they would be using the shutter glasses, although thinking about it, it's probably difficult due to how the glasses and the TV sync. The whole push for 3D TV from all of the major companies at CES just gone is through the use of shutter glasses.
How do you know it's the shutter glasses type? That wouldn't make sense, given that whilst the television itself is cheaper for active 3D, the shutter glasses themselves are quite expensive since they need to be able to do the shuttering. In somewhere like a pub where as you say they'll just get nicked, their overall outlay will in the end be far higher.
They'd be best off getting a passive 3D screen even if it costs slightly more. It's actually better techonology anyway, and though the screen is more expensive the glasses themselves cost peanuts to produce and sell. The rate at which I'm sure they'll get stolen, they'll be financially better off that way in the end, because their biggest constant outlay will be buying replacement glasses.

They'll probably insist on a desposit.
Yeh I know, they're ceasing broadcasts in the States and Canada at the end of next month.
The channel itself goes live to Sky HD customers on April 3rd to coincide with the Chelsea game...BUT, Viewers at home won't be allowed to watch the Chelsea game, or the other 5 games they'll do this season, because the home viewing channel will just be run as a preview demonstrartion channel...which will no doubt just consist of fish, or safari's or planets or some other shit....S'what I've read today anyway.

Not convinced it'll take off personally. But I'm interested.
The channel itself goes live to Sky HD customers on April 3rd to coincide with the Chelsea game...BUT, Viewers at home won't be allowed to watch the Chelsea game, or the other 5 games they'll do this season, because the home viewing channel will just be run as a preview demonstrartion channel...which will no doubt just consist of fish, or safari's or planets or some other shit....S'what I've read today anyway.

Not convinced it'll take off personally. But I'm interested.

Right so is this just another channel or do you need to get a special tv?
The glasses mainly. They're up to a £100 apparently...Even if they were 20p, you couldn't get all your mates round to watch the game unless they all had them. It's also come too quickly on the back of HD - which itself hasn't settled in fully yet.

It's an exclusive rather than inclusive activity.

Or you could just read my new article on it :D

3D TV - Is it really the future of watching football? |

Yeah, the glasses are a hindrance. . .but aren't they creating 3D TVs that don't need aids?
im pretty sure when they showed all the stuff about it around the time of the arsenal it was real d 3d which is the same glasses they dish out at the cinema, the price of the tv's are going to be massive though
How would it work AIDS free Spoons? Holograms possibly?....even so, Sky would want to milk this new shit for a while before going all Star Wars surely?

im pretty sure when they showed all the stuff about it around the time of the arsenal it was real d 3d which is the same glasses they dish out at the cinema, the price of the tv's are going to be massive though

They aren't your average Red and Blue shit...and films like Avatar use Polarised 3D which needs 2 projectors working in tandem, which can't be done on normal TV yet since it's coming out of a flat screen rather than being projected onto it.
How would it work AIDS free Spoons? Holograms possibly?....even so, Sky would want to milk this new shit for a while before going all Star Wars surely?

I'm sure oldman Weaste'll know more than any of us. But I think I saw future 3DTV technology on the Gadget show. . .and basically it won't require the use of AIDS. I hope so anyway, because wearing glasses is a bit shit and I feel they dumb down the colour.
AIDS is generally shit init..

20Solskjaer - apologies...looks like you're right

BSkyB chief engineer Chris Johns said: “There are several routes we could go down. In conjunction with landlords, 50p could be put on a price of a pint in return for a take-away pair of glasses. Or we could offer the 3DTV service exclusively to a national pub chain which would expect to see a rise in numbers of customers.

“There is also the possibility of putting advertising branding on the glasses themselves.”

BSkyB is likely to use glasses from Californian company RealD whose technology is compatible with new 3D consumer displays from Sony, Samsung and JVC and Panasonic. RealD polarized glasses are designed to be disposable and cost around 60p a pair to produce.

UK cinema-goers pay a premium up to £3 to watch 3D movies, with box office receipts for 3D features up a third over 2D versions of the same film.

“We intend to go to pubs and clubs first to generate revenue and awareness,” said BSkyB director of product design & TV product development Brian Lenz. “We need people to experience it and understand that HD3D is not anaglyph 3D.”

Here's Sky's vague little promo page too

Watching Sky 3D - Experience the magic of 3D TV - Find out more
Saw the promo on 3D when I went to see Alice in wonderland, looked good, so is this just another channel or will I need to buy a new TV?
About the same as a bag of nuts.


I just shaved all my hair off a minute ago...I've no idea why. Felt like it and got it wrong so I had to keep going. Regret it massively now. I miss that hair, I look damn good.
Those days are behind me blud...I'm all proper smarted up an ting now. 'low the kappa an datt.

I've gotta dress smarter with shorter hair too...otherwise I look about 14 and scally
Sky 3D Pub Finder – Find out where you can watch Sky 3D online

Find the pubs near you showing it in 3D...There's one right on my door step, but I don't know what will happen if I show up. Presumably it'll be rammed full of people trying to get in...does anyone know if you have to book or something? Or if there'll be enough glasses?...logistically it'll be a nightmare surely?