Skate 3


Likes Dags. but not as much as his Dad
Oct 11, 2006
coming out in 2 days apparently, tony hawk should just give up. i loved the other skate games

indeed! havent played the demo for this one but i will definitely be picking up a copy of it
apologies, the yanks get it in 2 days, i have to wait another 5 days
Loved the first two, this seems to be more of a sequel than skate 2 was aswell. New characters, tricks, areas. Can't wait. The first two were awesome.
have just dl'd the demo but have not played it yet. did the enjoy the first two, the control system is great but i'm so indoctrinated into the tony hawk games that whenever i'd build up a decent line i suddenly start mashing the buttons furiously and fall on my ass!
The thing I love about these games is that they took what was good about Tony Hawk and made it better. I really don't think Hawk cares that much anymore. Idiots will still buy his games and its not as if he's not wealthy enough already.