Site down when too many visiting


twitter thread suggester
Oct 16, 2005
The site has been down everytime we've played a match so far - Because og too many people visiting at the same time.

I remember Weaste said, that Nial is looking into fixing this - any news regarding this issue?
It happens all the time. It happened less last season because so many of the gloryhunters wrote us off so early.

But its not a new problem, although I hope Niall has something up his sleeve.
jasonrh said:
It happens all the time. It happened less last season because so many of the gloryhunters wrote us off so early.

But its not a new problem, although I hope Niall has something up his sleeve.

It might just be due to my shorttime-memory, but I can't remember it has happend this much (And for so long re. the Fulham match) previous season.

Well I'll click a couple times on the ads and hope that'll result in a few dollars to Niall.
It seems to be a new problem to me.

I think we should make people apply for tickets to be on here during a match. ;)
IT never crashed last season during games, but it did the season before.

I think it was sorted out by limiting the number of guests to around 20 at any time.

There were over 500 guests on during the game.
golden_blunder said:
yeah i dont recall it being this bad before
You mods have very short memories. I blame noodle.

It was crashing all the time during 04/05, and after our early season losses and draws last season.
suresh said:
It makes me wonder why this huge number of visitors don't simply sign up.
Because they're all Liverpool supporters, and they can't read or write.

They are scou(s)ering the site looking for the pictures.
suresh said:
It makes me wonder why this huge number of visitors don't simply sign up.

They probably don't have anything to add to the debate, and simply just visits to get some input rather than wanna discuss.

It could also have something to due with the fact that many guests don't read the newbie section - and you kindda needs to read in the newbie section in order to eventually be able to discuss in the main.
A quick fix solution would seem to me at least to turn off the ability of guests to view the forum an hour before and after the match. It's not the forum software that is having a problem, it's the amount of simultanious connections on the database (a disk head can only be in one place at one time). A normal way to solve this in industry is to spread the database over multiple disks, especially in something known as a RAID array, but that's expensive, and I don't know if this site is on a dedicated or a shared server.
Another problem is people with slow Net conections, it takes up a database process (and the disk head) for far longer that when it is feeding data to someone with a fast net connection.

Get broadband you skinflints.
WeasteDevil said:
A quick fix solution would seem to me at least to turn off the ability of guests to view the forum an hour before and after the match. It's not the forum software that is having a problem, it's the amount of simultanious connections on the database (a disk head can only be in one place at one time). A normal way to solve this in industry is to spread the database over multiple disks, especially in something known as a RAID array, but that's expensive, and I don't know if this site is on a dedicated or a shared server.
Sounds good.

Or you could hit us all up for money.
Livvie said:
It seems to be a new problem to me.

I think we should make people apply for tickets to be on here during a match. ;)
A postal ballot? sounds quite feasible, but what if they come on their day trip and spend £100 in the mega store because they haven't got a Manchester post code. (As we all know this almost guarantees a ticket).
I want to do something for matchdays, but I'm not allowed yet until we see what happens on the next one. Niall is going to make some tweaks.
Agrees. Won't be needed until mid December anyways.
This happens to me every visit, matchday or not. Well annoying. The site should respect the elders.
A sidequestion - why have you disabled the Members List?