

(• ___ •)
Dec 31, 2007
New show starting on Monday on C4. Looks like it has potential, has Kayvan Novak in it and also I think the guy who plays Robb in Game Of Thrones.

Advertised as a new "drama", might have something to do with it not being funny?

Didnt watch it, what is it about exactly, or do I not want to know?
Very odd programme and very uneven tone. Overall just not funny at all......teaches you not to watch a programme purely on the basis of somebody from Game of Thrones being in it.
that guy was fantastic in four lions! shame about this show though, seems shit so far
Very odd programme and very uneven tone. Overall just not funny at all......teaches you not to watch a programme purely on the basis of somebody from Game of Thrones being in it.

I think most watched it because of Kayvan Novak.
Just tried to watch this on 4OD....couldn't even make it to the end of the episode.

What the feck was that?
i loved it! then again it is pretty much watching myself at work almost