Ha'tak is a general name for this class of ships, as there are many variations. The most common type consists of a superstructure with a large, golden tetrahedron in the center of the ship. The superstructure is where all major functions and stations are maintained, including the bridge (pel'tak) and the cargo bay where Tel'tak transport ships can offload their cargo.
Goa'uld invasions tend to include a Ha'tak bombardment that is meant to either instill fear in the populace and force them to submit to the rule of the 'god,' or completely annihilate them.
The ships of the Goa'uld are generally believed to be less powerful than Asgard ships of comparable size; however, when Anubis came to power, he brought with him a stronger technology which gave the Ha'taks the shielding technology to survive Asgard attacks and the offensive power to stand up against a Beliskner class cruiser. However, it is not certain if the upgraded Ha'taks completely equal a Beliskner cruiser, as the sole situation where the two came into conflict the Ha'taks had numerical superiority (Two Ha'taks versus a single Beliskner cruiser). It is uncertain how they compare to the newer and more powerful O'Neill class battleship.