Sign here if you think Dr Who is rubbish!

Plan M

New Member
Aug 6, 2008
★ ★ ★
Everywhere I turn these days people are talking about Dr Who and how fecking amazing it is - I just don't get why people like it?!

If Hollyoaks met Star Trek, the outcome would be Doctor fecking Who. And I hate both of those shows.
Its a show for kids. I don’t understand fairly intelligent adults watching it, much in the same way I don’t understand adults reading Harry Potter. Which is also a bag of shite.
I've never watched it, never will, it looks unbelievably retarded in the snippets I've seen, as do all of the casts faces in general.

Especially the actual doctor who seems to have nasty face paralysis.
It looks like the worst thing ever, I can't bring myself to watch a whole minute of it.
Can't say if it is rubbish as I've never watched it but it certainly looks it whenever I see it advertised.

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Ha'tak is a general name for this class of ships, as there are many variations. The most common type consists of a superstructure with a large, golden tetrahedron in the center of the ship. The superstructure is where all major functions and stations are maintained, including the bridge (pel'tak) and the cargo bay where Tel'tak transport ships can offload their cargo.

Goa'uld invasions tend to include a Ha'tak bombardment that is meant to either instill fear in the populace and force them to submit to the rule of the 'god,' or completely annihilate them.

The ships of the Goa'uld are generally believed to be less powerful than Asgard ships of comparable size; however, when Anubis came to power, he brought with him a stronger technology which gave the Ha'taks the shielding technology to survive Asgard attacks and the offensive power to stand up against a Beliskner class cruiser. However, it is not certain if the upgraded Ha'taks completely equal a Beliskner cruiser, as the sole situation where the two came into conflict the Ha'taks had numerical superiority (Two Ha'taks versus a single Beliskner cruiser). It is uncertain how they compare to the newer and more powerful O'Neill class battleship.
I was just thinking the same thing Hectic.

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Its a show for kids. I don’t understand fairly intelligent adults watching it, much in the same way I don’t understand adults reading Harry Potter. Which is also a bag of shite.


Speaking of which, am i the only one that thinks Biscuit is a dead ringer for Luna Lovegood from the Potter series ?
I've only seen the first episode of the new doctor and series and the story was pretty poor.
It's rubbish, absolute dross.

I've watched the Harry Potter films, they aren't too bad and generally get better as they get older. The last 2 were actually fairly decent.
I've never watched it, never will. From what I've seen though it looks like a show for children. No idea why adults watch it.
Solius owns every episode on DVD and has a room in his house dedicated to Dr Who memorabilia.

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Speaking of which, am i the only one that thinks Biscuit is a dead ringer for Luna Lovegood from the Potter series ?

Who is that so i know to never google her name? :nervous:
Assuming that’s a girl and not some albino dude.
Doctor Who fluctuates between been a well-written, gripping, imaginative show that can have some poignant moments in it and a shabby, melodramatic, overly cheesy pile of tosh that can be embarrassing at times.
Doctor Who fluctuates between been a well-written, gripping, imaginative show that can have some poignant moments in it and a shabby, melodramatic, overly cheesy pile of tosh that can be embarrassing at times.

And so it has done for 47 years now...
I saw the one with Timothy Dalton. It was ok but the ending was a bit wank. I've not seen any others so I can't really comment.

What happened at the end of Babylon 5, did Boney M make an appearance?

I'd not seen that.

That actress is allegedly a really whacky lunatic (in the best possible way), as if that doesn't shine through in the performance a bit.

Much more entertaining in 2 episodes than Billie Piper was in several years.
Pathetic show,will never watch it.

And also concur that Harry Potter is indeed shit.
I don't watch it that often but its not terrible or anything, its mostly just a bit of silly fun thats not meant to be taken very seriously.
You guys realise it is basically a children's show?

Calling it pathetic and then saying you will never watch it is a bit laughable, to be honest.

I enjoy it myself, it's entertaining. Yeah sometimes it can get a bit too cheesy for my liking but it's still produced a lot better than most shows made in this country.
Easy Now. Only reason I'm watching the new series.


Speaking of which, am i the only one that thinks Biscuit is a dead ringer for Luna Lovegood from the Potter series ?

:lol::lol::lol: you feckin legend brewer
Oop, there's another.

Does anyone in here ever form opinions after they've watched something...or is pathalogical hatred only reserved for thing you've never seen?

Funny you say that, because didn't you display a similar dismissive arrogance about the old series and bull-dykes and chitty chitty bang bang not too long ago?

Having blatantly not even seen perhaps entire decades worth of the program's history.
Never watched a whole episode of it.

Not because its shit but because its a kids show and there are a million better Sci-fi shows aimed at adults such as Fringe.

Which if anybody hasn't seen yet I would suggest watching.
Never watched it, never will...BBC Presenters constantly saying how great it is tells me I won't like it.
Funny you say that, because didn't you display a similar dismissive arrogance about the old series and bull-dykes and chitty chitty bang bang not too long ago?

Having blatantly not even seen perhaps entire decades worth of the program's history.

eh?...No. What?

The only time I've ever brought up the old series was when someone said it had gotten ridiculous, to which I pointed out it was always ridiculous. I certainly didn't disparage it as utter rubbish without watching it no.
I fecking hate Teletubbies

No plot, poor acting, annoying characters. You'd think it was aimed at kids for fecks sake
I used to love it as a kid. It scared the hell out of me. I still watch it now, just due to the nostalgia really, but it's not as enjoyable now I've aged.

When I were a nipper this was Doctor Who:


He had some cracking story-lines, a couple of them even written by Douglas Adams. I stopped watching the new ones when Catherine Tate was brought on board. She is ghastly, in every sense of the word. As a kiddie I always fancied the assistant, the poor kids these days have had to put up with that munter :eek:

Saying that the new one is quite fit and has kept me watching this new series so far. It doesn't have nearly as much charm as it used to and it just doesn't sit right with the new Doctor. I think the main reason being that Doctor Who should never be younger than me, that's just weird.