Shutter Island


New Member
Aug 4, 2007
I think it looks quite good, although I don't really know where they are going to go with the film. What are you expectations for it?
DiCaprio/Scorsese usually means a high chance of a good movie, trailer looks good it reminds of something but can't quite think what it is.
Will be an instant classic based on the fact it's being by Scorsese alone, whereas in truth, Scorsese hasn't made a really good film for ages, Goodfellas and it's carbon copy Casino being the last ones for me.
Gangs of New York was okay, but spoilt by it's piss poor cast doing piss poor accents, The Departed was another one; 'let's see who can do the stupidest Bawston accent' and underusing the only authentic South Boston-raisded cat member Mark Wahlberg when he should have been in Di Caprio's role.
WTF :lol: The two movies are completely different.

BTW - The Aviator (2004) and The Departed (2006) were decent films.

Behave, Joe Pesci plays the same character, differentiated by name. He even dies horribly in both as a result of revenge from his Mafia friends.
De Niro plays the suave villain.
Both have long, continuous takes intertwined with Sixties/Seventies soul soundtracks.

They may be different movies, but the content and characters and themes are exactly the same.

Wasn't a fan of the Aviator and as I mentioned earlier, I wasn't a huge fan of Departed, it was okay as movies go, but as a Scorsese film, you do want better from it, I found it very cheesy and sloppy. And the characters were shite.

He needs to get back to his roots and do what he does best, a New York story with Pesci, De Niro etc.
They may be different movies, but the content and characters and themes are exactly the same.

Bollox. Completely different movies, both based on true stories.

Wasn't a fan of the Aviator and as I mentioned earlier, I wasn't a huge fan of Departed, it was okay as movies go, but as a Scorsese film, you do want better from it, I found it very cheesy and sloppy. And the characters were shite.

Scorsese movies have won 15 Oscars in total, nine of which came from those two movies.
Bollox. Completely different movies, both based on true stories.

Scorsese movies have won 15 Oscars in total, nine of which came from those two movies.

So are you trying to say there no achingly obvious similarities between Goodfellas and Casino, none at all?
fecking hell, it's like saying Back to the Future and Back to the Future Part II aren't alike....

The Oscars for the Aviator were for Best Costumes, Best Set Direction, Best Editing - Scorsese never won the Best Director nor did it win Best Film. Of course Cate Blanchett won Best Actress but aside from that, they were pissy awards and not the main conundrum. Moulin Rouge won a load for similar elements, yet I wouldn't call that one of my favourites either.
For The Departed, Scorsese won the Best Director award however many felt it was an award that was down to his previous work for which he should have rightfully won the award rather than this particular honour, and most thought Eastwood should have won it for Letters From Iwo Jima.
So are you trying to say there no achingly obvious similarities between Goodfellas and Casino, none at all?

Well they are both mafia films, so they have that similarity. Joe Pesci plays the slightly unstable hard-man in both, although he was a made-man in one and not the other. That is where the similarities end TBH. Robert De Niro plays a Jewish gambling handicapper (Frank Rosenthal in real life) in Casino, and an Italian in Goodfellas. The stories, locations and all the other characters are completely different.
Well they are both mafia films, so they have that similarity. Joe Pesci plays the slightly unstable hard-man in both, although he was a made-man in one and not the other. That is where the similarities end TBH. Robert De Niro plays a Jewish gambling handicapper (Frank Rosenthal in real life) in Casino, and an Italian in Goodfellas. The stories, locations and all the other characters are completely different.

De Niro's character was actually Irish in Goodfellas, he was called Jimmy The Gent Conway, that's why he couldn't ever have been made, like Henry Hill played by Ray Liotta, he was also half-Irish so couldn't be fully inducted without full-Sicilian blood.
But anyway you look at it, there were huge similarities between both movies not just the theme, the same actors etc, but Goodfellas and Casino, or 'Goodfellas In the Desert' as some critics referred to it when it was released are very similar....
Will be an instant classic based on the fact it's being by Scorsese alone, whereas in truth, Scorsese hasn't made a really good film for ages, Goodfellas and it's carbon copy Casino being the last ones for me.
Gangs of New York was okay, but spoilt by it's piss poor cast doing piss poor accents, The Departed was another one; 'let's see who can do the stupidest Bawston accent' and underusing the only authentic South Boston-raisded cat member Mark Wahlberg when he should have been in Di Caprio's role.

You've got to be fecking kidding. Marky Mark is a terrible actor.

"Hey Donkey...say hello to your mother for me".
He would have been more believeable in that role than Di Caprio who has no right to be playing a tough guy, ever.

If Wahlberg couldn't play tough convincingly, it'd be strange, considering he was a notorious thug in real life.

As for the film, I've heard pretty bad reviews story-wise. Apparently most people guess the ending within the first fifteen minutes. Which leaves the remaining 100 minutes an exercise in texting and wiping popcorn butter on the seat.
Martin Sheen is brilliant in the West Wing.

The Departed was good up until the last 10 minutes when everybody was just killed. Good film, that's it. Nothing special. Goodfella's is the best Scorsese film.
I actually prefer Casino over Goodfellows, mainly because its a fairly unique mobster film closely based on true events.
Di Caprio was actually one of the better performers in it, but thats not saying much at all. Matt Damon was shite, Nicholson over played it and Martin Sheen prob did get thrown off a roof he was that bad

As far as I'm concerned it was a good film. In the age of effects-driven shite I think Scorcese does a good job telling stories. Matt Damon is a hell of an actor too. His Tom Ripley was excellent.

I agree on Nicholson though...he really needs to be reined in.
Goodfellas IS based on true events and people, as per Henry Hill's tell-all Wiseguys.
I liked watching Joe Pesci rear-ending Sharon Stone in Casino though, like watching a rottweiler puppy humping a labrador.
Goodfellas IS based on true events and people,

It is but the events are a lot more obscure, thus hard to track and relate to. Casino on the other hand was a very familiar story, very easy to tie it into stuff I already knew.

Like Anthony Spilotro grave, which is very like Joe Pesci last resting place in Casino.


I was also familiar with the life/story of Frank Rosenthal years before I saw the movie.
It is but the events are a lot more obscure, thus hard to track and relate to. Casino on the other hand was a very familiar story, very easy to tie it into stuff I already knew.

Like Anthony Spilotro grave, which is very like Joe Pesci last resting place in Casino.


I was also familiar with the life/story of Frank Rosenthal years before I saw the movie.
I'm quite partial to Donny Brasco, good movie and book
As far as I'm concerned it was a good film. In the age of effects-driven shite I think Scorcese does a good job telling stories. Matt Damon is a hell of an actor too. His Tom Ripley was excellent.

I agree on Nicholson though...he really needs to be reined in.

Yeah at this point it seems Nicholson has become a caricature of himself.
Saw it. Absorbing, occasionally chilling, but ultimately kind of stupid.
I thought it was pretty good, but yeah kinda summed up well. I think the movie was superbly made, but it could have had a better story in the end
Saw it. Absorbing, occasionally chilling, but ultimately kind of stupid.


it was very predictable once you got about 20 minutes into it. It looks the business, but when you look beyond all the strange scenes you realise it's nothing special
I liked it.

I liked the end too. I thought Ben Kingsley did extremely well.

Agreed, he's been in a lot of shite roles lately, so it was nice to see him in a great role and pull it off in a big budget film!!
have just seen this ( at last )

actually i enjoyed but thought after ten minutes i could see which way it was going.
that said, it was very well acted, i just wish they could have come up with some different ending
As Erica said, you knew where it was going, and its a story that has done before on quite a few occasions