Should losing teams be blasted with footballs?


The Caf's Ezza.
Apr 16, 2015
The stable
I was thinking about how to make a football version of squid game. Unfortunately, execution is frowned upon so other solutions have to be proposed.

Some of you may have played variants of football games where the loser was lined up against the wall and balls were blasted at their backside. Could a similar thing be utilised in the professional game?

Since we are talking about professionals we need to make the game more difficult so I propose that the attempts must be taken from about 40 yards away

Let's discuss the advantages and disadvantages

- Fun to watch
- Adds an incentive to avoid losing
- good target practice
- Toughens the players up
- none
Society is just one big ass blast anyways, so I see no issue with losers being blasted in the ass.
Depending on the scoreline it should go 6 yard line, penalty spot, edge of the box (18 yards), edge of the D, half way line.

Lose by 5 or more goals - 6 yard line
Lose by 3-5 goals - penalty spot
Lose by 2 goals - 18 yard line
Lose by 1 goal - edge of the D.
Draw - halfway line (may or may not result in head trauma)
I would also propose that the amount of time this punishment continues for should be equal to the amount of time the ball wasn't in play for during the 90 minutes.

This will discourage time wastng as you don't want to spend 35 minutes of the game pretending to be injured or forgetting where to take the goal kick from, only to lose in the 95th minute and have effectively sentenced yourself to a blasting that will leave you more sore than a swollen testical.
I've seen a bit of the kings league world cup and i can say that it is infinitely better than regular football

So yeah blast people in the ass. But from a cannon