Shooting Stars

Best of type clips;

Examples of the impossible-to-predict questions (and answers) are:

True or False: Bill Cosby was the world's first black man. (False, it was actually Sidney Poitier

Macaulay Culkin is a child, but can you name an adult? (This was not as easy as it seemed, as the only acceptable answer was Tom Petty)

True or false - Cupboard doors open outwards. (This proved to be true as Vic asked the question from "the perspective of a trapped cat")

True or false - William Shatner's real name is Bill Schitz? (it turned out to be false)

True or False: Paul Daniels' head is wider than it is tall. (This was proven to be true due to measurements from a composite sketch)

True or False: Jeremy irons? (sic) (false; but there is not a given answer.)

Name a type of bee that produces milk. (The correct answer was 'boobies')

True or False: Snakes are used as belts by some Hindus.

Name a junction on the M6 (The guest star almost always got the answer wrong).

True or False: In Judo there is a move where in which the recipient of the blow reaches instant orgasm, leaving them wide open to attack.

True or false: Can Michael Barrymore swim?

"Love me for a reason and let that reason be..." (It was answered "love", as the correct title of the Boyzone song. However, Bob replies "No, my 27 and a half inch penis")

The Lady in Red is about;

a) Chris de Burgh's recently murdered wife
b) Chris de Burgh's recently un-murdered wife
c) A granary loaf
or d) A & E

(Correct answer was b) Chris De Burgh's recently un-murdered wife)

Who is the latest game show host to say "Come on down, The Price Is Right"? (It was answered with Bruce Forsyth, but Vic Reeves replied with "No. It was me... just now."

True or False: Pavarotti has two stomachs; one for food and one for drink.
loved that program, didn't like that new captain after Lamarr though, Will Self?

Liked how they took the piss out of Ulrika-ka-ka all the time

Its one of a few good things on over Christmas, couple more being a new Royle Family and Rab C Nesbitt
Cant wait for this, loved it back in the day. It was great when they got celebrities who hadnt got a clue what they were in for. I remember the time they had Larry Hagman on, and he just looked bewildered for the whole program. I think he was asked the Sydney Potier question above too
Vic and Bob are now middle aged.
No problem with that of course, cept that Shooting Stars was juvenile humour and new at the time the early 1990s. And hilarious.

I thought for example that "Vic Reeves Big Night Out" was the funniest thing I had ever seen. And to be fair when I saw an old programme about a year ago, it was still funny but in a nostalgic sorta way. I am not too sure how it would look if it started new in 2008.

Probably the same with Shooting Stars. Most people watching it will be nostalgic for the glory days.
It will be curious to see who the guests are.
I suspect they will be 100% Grade A celebs but the appeal of the original was that they occasionally thru in a complete dud (Gordon Burns from Krypton Factor or Lynne Perie (sp) the drunk actress off Corrie).

As a general rule its not a good idea to revive old shows
i was expecting it to be a flop, I didn't think they could get close to the old days but it was fecking ace, more please
i was expecting it to be a flop, I didn't think they could get close to the old days but it was fecking ace, more please

I do miss Donald Cox Sweaty Fox, if you rewatch the old series you'll probably notice that he used to swear all the time but keep it muffled. You watch Vic and Bob and they're wetting themselves as he talks.

Can't get much better than a good dose of shooting stars to brighten up a crap day.
Thought it was pretty shite myself. Like the Fosters shorts they did. Vic & Bob just seem like old men trying desperately to do surreally funny things now. Lost all of it's charm for me. But then I've always found Bob Mortimer cringworthily unfunny, even when they were in their prime.
Thought it was pretty shite myself. Like the Fosters shorts they did. Vic & Bob just seem like old men trying desperately to do surreally funny things now. Lost all of it's charm for me. But then I've always found Bob Mortimer cringworthily unfunny, even when they were in their prime.

I thought the same when they first brought it back. It reminded me of a John Cleese quote about the reforming of Monty Python, he basically asked if anybody would want to see a bunch of old men acting like idiots.

However, the last series or two were quite good, mainly because I liked the Angelos Epithemiou character.