Shogun 2


Memberus Anonymous & Legendus
Mar 29, 2004
Shogun 2

I only went on Amazon to buy Speak Memory, and their stupid recommendations thing throws this in my face. Why have I only just found out about this? Why hasn't UBER been posting about it all over the caf? It's out in a little over 5 weeks, and I have so much work to do. Though thankfully my laptop will never play it....which means I will have to buy a better laptop :(

I could have been so happy not knowing this game was in existence.

I do wish they don't bother with all this emphasis on the navy though, Medieval War got it spot on, Empire was a bit dull. Still...they have the Yari Ashigaru, so I bet they have the Warrior Monks as well- the coolest Total War unit ever. Sigh.
They've run out of ideas. They're just rehashing old ones. Did you know there was a Napoleon Total War? Came out less than a year after Empire. Really snuck out.

It's only a matter of time until they do a fantasy one.
Run out of ideas? They only ever had one idea, and it resulted in 4 excellent games. Or rather 3 excellent games, and one game that is one of the greatest of all time. I have no problems with them keeping this range of games up, or even re-releasing Shogun, as long as it's fun and in the same bracket as the first four.
Loved the first one a lot. Was only about 12 when I was playing it.

The new multiplayer setup sounds interesting, will save judgement until I play it.

One thing is for sure, I wish I was playing right now!
Shogun Total War is still the best TW game for me. Medieval 1 is also up there. But from Rome onwards I felt the gameplay balance and style was never as good. The graphics and power improved but their was something about the first two's simplicity and gameplay characteristics that made them the most enjoyable and the best challenge.

I remember sending battalion after battalion to their deaths in order to shift a stubborn group of Warrior Monks hiding amongst a wooded mountain. In the end I had to bribe them with an absolute fortune to come and fight for me. Good times.
Gamespot are calling Shogun 2 the best Total War yet. Which to be fair, given the quality of the previous games, is either a load of exaggerated balls, or a glowing sign that Creative Assembly have made up for the let down that was Empire Total War

Shogun 2: Total War Review for PC - GameSpot

Has anyone got it / played it?
Anyone played it yet?

Mine was supposed to be here today, but as Rebecca Black wisely says Saturday follows Friday and then Sunday after that. So the way I figure it, it won't be here for another 2 days :(.
I've got it. It is definitely the best of the 3d campaign map games.

The Campaign AI is according to some, down right diabolical and the battle AI is much improved over previous titles.

I still enjoy the boardgame campaign maps of Shogun and Medieval however, as it was very easy to end up losing. Everyone should remember the Hojo Hordes or the Almohad Hordes, where they steam rolled half the map and then threw 10k troops at you per turn ;p

I'm playing as Oda right now on Hard and am in the process of mopping up, 25 provinces, my closest ally Takeda is the second most powerful clan on the map and I just took Kyoto. Unless Takeda stabs me in the back its all over in 20-30 turns.

I'm really interested in the competitive multiplayer campaign. Two players can play against each other and whenever a battle is fought the other player can take control of the AI army. Should be fun.
Yet again, another game I get a free copy of :cool: