
I saw an advert for this a few weeks ago and very nearly started a thread. I'm not expecting much to be honest, I think it's had it's day.
This episode has been phenominal

Top form once more, let's hope it's consistent.
:lol: At what just happened, that woman was amazing in bed to be fair
Which one? US or UK?

US was back on Sunday, haven't watched it yet because the first season was very good for me, just don't go comparing it to the UK version too much.
I've not seen the US version, but I do like William H Macy so I might give it a try.

On the other hand I fecking hate the UK version. I can't bear to watch the opening sequence, it fills me with an irrational rage and makes me want to kick my TV screen in.
Watched the first couple of US episodes, as I like William Macy as an actor but to be honest it's utter shit, in comparison to the original.

Always been sceptical of US translations as they never really get "Brit humour" and for me that's exactly the problem with this.
If the second series is supposidly darker I'll give it a watch but not holding out much hope.
I have to say the new episodes aren't that good. Mickeys the only one keeping the show going me thinks.