Shall I watch Requiem for a Dream?


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
I've never seen it and people seem to either love or hate it.

Perhaps a poll is in order?

While you decide I'm going to watch Apocalypse Now with my son who I think is now old enough at 12.
i have it downloaded but am also in two minds whether it's worth watching.
It really is the most depressing film I've ever seen. That said, for the subject matter its covering, its a masterpiece.
It's nicely produced, and makes some good points. I like it.

But ya, it's also disturbing, but we all need a bit of that every now and again.
Requiem for a Dream?

I've never seen it and people seem to either love or hate it.

Perhaps a poll is in order?

While you decide I'm going to watch Apocalypse Now with my son who I think is now old enough at 12.

Worth watching but don't expect a masterpiece, enjoy Apocalypse now though which is a masterpiece. Requiem is a deeply flawed movie that gets too much credit for having Aaron Aronofsky's name attached to it.

i have it downloaded but am also in two minds whether it's worth watching.

Watch it, it really isn't anywhere near as depressing as some make out especially when most of the characters are so abhorent that you probably won't care about what happens to them.

It really is the most depressing film I've ever seen. That said, for the subject matter its covering, its a masterpiece.

Its not a masterpiece.
I know a few people who swear by Requiem for a Dream but I've never seen it, the OST is quite popular too isn't it?
Requiem for a Dream?

I've never seen it and people seem to either love or hate it.

Perhaps a poll is in order?

While you decide I'm going to watch Apocalypse Now with my son who I think is now old enough at 12.

No. It's a bit shit. It did for drugs and addiction what The Crash did for racism.
Worth watching but don't expect a masterpiece, enjoy Apocalypse now though which is a masterpiece. Requiem is a deeply flawed movie that gets too much credit for having Aaron Aronofsky's name attached to it.

Without wishing to weigh on in whether or not Requiem for a Dream is a masterpiece or not; Firstly, it's Darren Aronofsky, and secondly, as Pi (1998) and Requiem (2000) were the movies that made him famous it seems a little unfair to say it's only acclaimed because of his reputation - arguably this is the movie that made that reputation. Later works like The Wrestler or Black Swan have simply enhanced that reputation.

I will agree that it's depressing as all hell, and the characters are difficult to engage with. Worth watching though
Requiem is a deeply flawed movie that gets too much credit for having Aaron Aronofsky's name attached to it.

Requiem is what gave Aronofsky his name. He would be nowhere without it.

It's a magnificent film, albeit incredibly depressing.
Requiem is what gave Aronofsky his name. He would be nowhere without it.

It's a magnificent film, albeit incredibly depressing.


Watch it, but your 12 year old is not ready for this level of dark.
It's a fecking masterpiece, one of my favourites of all time, and certainly the most depressing film experience I've had.
I thought it was a bit shallow. Nice visuals, a good score but pretty pointless.

I'm not quite sure what people see in it.
I've never seen it and people seem to either love or hate it.

Perhaps a poll is in order?

While you decide I'm going to watch Apocalypse Now with my son who I think is now old enough at 12.

When my kids turn 12, or possibly earlier I'm going to show them Come and See. That'll do them good.
it was ok... didn't think it was great but it wasn't bad either.

I find that 'multiple story line' movies are always overrated