Shadows of the Damned


Know-It-All Champion May 2009
Mar 31, 2006
Fratton Park, play up Pompey!
Anybody else got this? It's made by a great collection of guys from Japan including the man behind games like Killer 7 and No More Heroes and the man who created Resident Evil.

It plays just like Resident Evil 4 which is great, but it's what happens within the game that's the best bit. You play as Hotspur Garcia a demon hunter who wants to get his girlfriend back from the ruler of the underworld, sounds pretty simple so far. But your best friend is a skull called Johnson (*) that can turn into a gun called the Boner. The checkpoints are marked by a weird little flying one eyed monster called Willy getting scared and taking a glowing shit. To open locked gates you need to shove either a brain, an eyeball or a strawberry into a babies face.

It's mental, there's even a few levels where it goes 2D and turns into a strange scrolling shooter in a simple R Type styley. Oh and there's a load of demons to blow up, bosses to kill and decapitated heads rolling down a hill towards you etc

Basically it is mad, no two ways about it. Graphically some people will probably moan but it's really good fun and obviously made by some warped people who love cock jokes. Wondered what other people though of it.

EDIT: *Apologies i was misinformed, it's actually Greg Ellis off of Star Trek fame
I don't much care for the tone of the game. I know the people behind it are legends but it seems to be stuck in 2004. Cock jokes automatically remind me of countless crap from the PS2 era. So does the gameplay.
You beat me to the thread Xander.

Yeah I saw it at E3, then saw it was a collaboration between Suda and that bloke who did the Phoenix Wright and Devil May Cry games, then that was me sold.

The humour looks promising too, the last games that genuinely made me laugh were Deadly Premonition and Psychonauts.
The Destructoid review totally put me off this. Cites horrible screen tearing and numerous other bugs.

There is a lot of cases where it takes a few seconds for the graphics to pop into focus, i would say it's not one for those that are easily annoyed by little graphical issues. Still good fun to play and just all round sillyness, i'd pick it up when it's a tad cheaper though.

It's not very long (about 10 hours on hard) and the replayability is only there for the sake of trophy hunting.