Sex appeal in actors/actresses

Wonder Pigeon

'Shelbourne FC Supporter'
Apr 8, 2006
Forza Shelbourne
How do you understand 'sex appeal', and do you think its something that bad actors can have?

I was talking to someone today about Megan Fox, and I argued that because her acting skills are so poor, I never engage with any of her characters enough to find them truly sexy. Yes she's nice to look at and all, but she's so bland on screen that in the end I just don't care. I mean, in Hollywood everyone is hot, so have to have something special about you to make an impression, and I would argue that someone like her doesn't have it, in a way that, for example, Angelina Jolie, who she is often compared to, does. I guess it's like saying I'll have a wank over Megan Fox, but I want to feck Angelina Jolie. Does that make sense?

Because Fox can't act, she's probably not going to have any enduring success and will ultimately fall into the same bracket as the likes of Jennifer Love Hewitt, Denise Richards etc Only actresses (or actors for that matter, compare the appeal of George Clooney to that of Robert Pattinson) with actual talent can have true sex appeal, because they're more real, because they can do more than just stand there and look pretty. Do you agree? Do you really give a toss?
I tend to think all actors/actresses I associate with shit movies/shows look plain. For instance everyone in Friends (except Tom Selleck, of course).
Nicole Kidman is a good actress but she's always been pretty sexless.
You always give the impression you'd feck anything still breathing.
Sex appeal goes beyond looks so it stands to reason that if someone can't act, the character they are portraying will come across as wooden, awkward, or otherwise lacking in charisma and personality. Which usually equals unsexy.

Megan Fox is a ride though. Which kind of scuppers that theory.
Sex appeal goes beyond looks so it stands to reason that if someone can't act, the character they are portraying will come across as wooden, awkward, or otherwise lacking in charisma and personality. Which usually equals unsexy.

Megan Fox is a ride though. Which kind of scuppers that theory.

I think she's just blandly hot though. She's no hotter than the extras in any of her films that by Hollywood mandate also have to be hot.
Sex appeal goes beyond looks so it stands to reason that if someone can't act, the character they are portraying will come across as wooden, awkward, or otherwise lacking in charisma and personality. Which usually equals unsexy.

Megan Fox is a ride though. Which kind of scuppers that theory.

Pogue's right. Being good looking and being sexy are far from the same thing.

Don't agree about Megan Fox though. I don't think she's sexy at all. She's nice to look at, but then so are most celebrities. Doesn't help that the only film I've really seen her in is Transformers.
Yeah, I should have mentioned that I've never seen her in any film ever. Only photos, in which she looks filthy (this is a good thing, for the record)

She may seem less appealing if I was to watch her phone in a shite performance in Transformers. Although sitting through Transformers would probably cause me to lose the will to live, never mind have sex.
Seriously, I couldn't give a feck if she could act or not, feck, she could be limbless I'd still tap her mouth.
Yeah, I should have mentioned that I've never seen her in any film ever. Only photos, in which she looks filthy (this is a good thing, for the record)

She may seem less appealing if I was to watch her phone in a shite performance in Transformers. Although sitting through Transformers would probably cause me to lose the will to live, never mind have sex.

Well I was kind of talking about sex appeal on screen. Sex appeal is about acting really, like that scene in Mulholland Drive where Naomi Watts switches from being all shy and retiring to sultry in her audition.
I'd agree mostly with the openning post, i've never found Megan fox sexy, extremely attractive? yes but sexy is a word that implies sexual intelligence - the ability to use attractiveness in an aluring and non-bland way - hence why I don't find Megan fox sexy, she likes to try to come across as intelligent but ultimately fails and her acting stinks.
Well I was kind of talking about sex appeal on screen. Sex appeal is about acting really, like that scene in Mulholland Drive where Naomi Watts switches from being all shy and retiring to sultry in her audition.

Well I agree then.

I'm just trying to avoid being one of those internet blokes who pretends they can take or leave incredibly gorgeous women who are actually miles out of their league anyway.
I'm not sure about the criteria for sex appeal.

Some celebs are more sexy than others I guess, but they are all pretty much great bodies, nice faces and filthy rich. I know there are a few exceptions, but I've never been one of those guys who act all blasé about celebrities.

'Oh she is ok but nothing special'. 'Decent looking but don't see what the fuss is all about'.

Never understood these comments, I know it's different strokes for different folks and all that but if someone says Jessica Alba or something is average you know it's just a load of wank.

Not to sure what my point is here. I think it's that all celebrities are sexy and I have no standards?
Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson are at the top of my list.

There’s a bird called Christina Hendricks who plays Joan in the TV series Mad Men. Maybe its more the character she plays, rather than her, but either way, she oozes sex appeal.....

Scarlett Johansson are at the top of my list.

Have you seen her in Match Point? A fairly run of the mill film but she is awesome in it.

My favourite at the moment is Marion Cottilard.
Never understood the hype about Megan Fox. Granted I've only seen her in the Transformer films but she was crap in those and theres much better looking actresses out there. Shes no Jessica Alba!
I always felt that Nicole Kidman had massive sex appeal.

Natalie Portman too, in another kind of way though.
Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson are at the top of my list.

There’s a bird called Christina Hendricks who plays Joan in the TV series Mad Men. Maybe its more the character she plays, rather than her, but either way, she oozes sex appeal.....


Aaagh .......Joanie.....

Gorgeous women even if a bit bottom heavy for me but absolutely 'give it to me' appeal - brilliant actress too - love Madmen
Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson are at the top of my list.

There’s a bird called Christina Hendricks who plays Joan in the TV series Mad Men. Maybe its more the character she plays, rather than her, but either way, she oozes sex appeal.....


How have you not posted a picutre of her as YOlanda/Saffron/Bridget from FIrefly yet?
Dont ask me why, but I have always thought Susan Sarandon has always had sex appeal. there is just something.....
Joan from Mad Men probably has a dozen different kinds of VD.

I'd love to catch them all.
Aye, there's a difference between good looking and sexy. To me, Megan Fox is good looking, but Maggie Gyllenhall is sexier. The same with Jessica Alba compared to Marisa Tomei and Sandra Bullock as against say, Audrey Tautou or Jamie-Lynn Sigler. I realise that might make me sound odd, but they're almost too attractive, IMO.
I think I get what you mean. I've never been attracted to Brad Pitt, for example, because he's never really moved me on screen. Though, I suppose, I can recognise he's good looking.

On the flipside, I have often seen movies where an actor has appeared and I've barely noticed them but then their subsequent performance has gone on to make me "fall in love" with them, as it were.

Alessandro Nivola is a good example of this and, more recently, Daniel Bruhl :drool: Probably nowhere near as good looking as a George Clooney or a Tom Cruise...sorry...I just gagged...but way, way sexier.