Serial Killer Games


Full Member
Jul 21, 1999
Fresno, CA
Any suggestions for a decent serial killer game for the PC? Ones where you are the one investigating cases etc.
Not quite what you are looking for but as a game in a similar vein, the monkey island and broken sword series are fantastic
The first third of L.A Noire (when you're actually dealing with a Serial Killer) is great... but then it's all downhill from there. If they had somehow managed to make that storyline stretch for a full game, whilst innovating new ways to keep it interesting/fresh as you went along, it would have been fantastic.

Other then that Farenheit and Heavy Rain are the most obvious suggestions...
Heavy Rain, was interesting and well planned throughout.

Definitely worth a play.
Play "Still Life", it's great Point & Click adventure with exactly what you are after!
There is also part two of the game but the first one is much better.
Despite being a gamer, I can't be the only reason thinking.... What the feck?! I understand choosing games for story lines, graphics, AI, ect ext but your only specification... Serial killer.
Despite being a gamer, I can't be the only reason thinking.... What the feck?! I understand choosing games for story lines, graphics, AI, ect ext but your only specification... Serial killer.

Thought it may of come off a bit twisted but I had played a game awhile back with a similar setting. Quite enjoyed it but never finished because of a bug. I don't recall the title hence the topic.
Play "Still Life", it's great Point & Click adventure with exactly what you are after!
There is also part two of the game but the first one is much better.

That's the one I played awhile back. I'll get it again and give it another shot.
2nd vote for Broken Sword. The first game at least deals with a serial killer.
Beat you to it ;) For some reason though, I've never really been able to get into the sequel as much as I try, it just doesn't seem to hold my attention as much.

Those mannekins in the first though, still make me jump :lol:

You did as well :wenger:

The mannequins were something else, as was that locker scene. I enjoyed the second one, granted though the premise was rather silly and the protagonist morphed into a nob of gigantic proportions. Still had that authentic serial killer feel to it though which the OP's looking for.
Condemned 2 is horrible, stick to the first one.