Sensible Soccer

Scoreboard Red

New Member
May 29, 2009
In bed with Berbatov's dad

To-ooh-day is Wednesday (Wednesday!), to-ooh-morrow's Thursday (Thursday!), we so excited, we so excited...

Enough of that guff, who feels nostalgic? Check this out, yo. Back in the day (first time I might have ever said that), computer games were actually sometimes played on a computer. Expensive things called Amigas which you begged your dad all year for and who used to sponsor Chelsea in the 1993/94 season.
The best game on the Amiga was a little piece of magic called 'Sensible Soccer', potentially the worst name for a game ever but what a little gem it was.


The game play was rigid and laughable compared to today's standard, but it was thoroughly addictive.
We used to have a thing called a joystick which had ONE button you used to tackle, pass, cross and shoot with, and there were no tricks aside from being able to curl the ball, score free kicks and take corners.


What did set it apart from other football games of the time and before it was the season mode, the first of it's time which allowed you to buy and sell players, which was a pre-cursor to the likes of FIFA and Pro-Evo.

I remember buying Claudio Cannigia for United who was brilliant due to his pace, and another brilliant forward was, erm, Stan Collymore.

If you could afford him, Romario too was the best player in the game and you'd usually win games 12-6 and similar score-lines which added to the realism of actual football.

Happy days...

I still have it somewhere. Was really hard from what I remember. I'm also pretty sure the crowd chanted "Keano" when you picked Ireland. I must have had the World Cup version or something because I can't remember being able to pick club teams.
There is a online SWOS league table on the xbox live arcade. A couple of years ago I was in the top ten in the world. There's also a thriving online pc community and they are another level to me skill wise.

The xbox version is a perfect port of the amiga game with better graphics by the way.
History, I remember that Matthias Sammer died in a my game :)

Matthias Sammer
There is a online SWOS league table on the xbox live arcade. A couple of years ago I was in the top ten in the world. There's also a thriving online pc community and they are another level to me skill wise.

The xbox version is a perfect port of the amiga game with better graphics by the way.

I snapped the joystick playing it once, my dad went sick.
I can't remember playing that many games on the Amiga, I got it for Xmas either 1990 or 1991 and you got The Simpsons with it which was good.
Remember the advet for it, it had Sunshine on a Rainy Day as the tune?
Deary me...
Sensi Soccer was pretty fecking good to be fair - it was way better than Kick Off anyway.

I mostly used to play the United footy game though - cant remember what exactly it was called, had a weird side on viewpoint
Sensi Soccer was pretty fecking good to be fair - it was way better than Kick Off anyway.

I mostly used to play the United footy game though - cant remember what exactly it was called, had a weird side on viewpoint

I think it was called Man United actually!
I had it too, I remember deleting Mark Robins and putting in another players name;

Brian Deane!!!

check out the squad at 1:00 !

See the way they spelt Kanchelskis?
'Andrej Kontchelskis' - apparently this was as they asked him to print his name next to his signature and that's how he wrote it in English so that's the name he was registered as, until someone pointed as he was registered for USSR as Andrei Kanchelskis, the correct English spelling.
I had FIFA Soccer on my Game Gear. It was so easy to score, I'd win 10-0. All you had to do was take the ball down the wing, shoot, the goalie would parry the shot right to my striker for the simple tap in.
The first football game I recall playing was Actua Soccer.
Sensible World of Soccer was an absolutely incredible game for its time and really set the standard for games like today's FIFA to follow.

It had all kinds of obscure leagues from around the world with the real players in the teams and each one had around 15 stats (speed, heading, shooting, finishing etc etc).

Unbelievably amazing game for it's time.

Andy Cole was pretty awesome in the game. Could run at about 100mph and score from any angle with amazing swerve and dip!

I actually picked up a plug'n'play version of the game a few years ago (literally plugged into a scart socket in your telly, came with two controllers, you switched it on and away you went. I think it's in the attic atm tho :( I couldn't quite convince my son that it was fun to play - he's a FIFA kinda guy (can't say I blame him, to be honest).

Oh well. It was great back in the day - one of the all-time classic games.
Oh my word how I used to love Sensi Soccer. My and my 2 brothers would play over and over. I remember how excited I was when SWOS came out and you could actually do transfers :drool:

check out the squad at 1:00 !

I had Manchester United In Europe on my Commodore 64. It was awesome, if you held down the button when you tackled, you could slide tackle all around the pitch. I would literally chase the opposition around in a giant slide tackle!

I still have sensible soccer on my megadrive, it's a legendary game.
Absolutely loved it! A classmate of mine had Kick off on amiga and I got Sensible Soccer for Super Nintendo.

As much as I loved it I was missing the option to buy players. And then......a few months later I saw an ad in a norwegian football merchandise catalogue (fotboll import(?)) of Championship Manager. ":eek::eek: ZOMG! I can manage United!!! GOODBYE REAL WORLD!"

I thought that all players in Sensible Soccer had the same abilities?
Wonderful game... same team that did Canon Fodder isn't it? AMIGA rulz...