Sega Europe closing, Sega not making any more console games

Olly Gunnar Solskjær

Marxist bacon-hating kebab-dodging Tinder rascal
Jan 26, 2008
dreams can't be buy
Sega Europe to announce its closing?

On the eve of E3 2012, we are able to inform you, according to our credible sources, that Sega Europe will be finally closed in the coming months as well as all the local branches in Europe like Sega France. This is partly a consequence of the ineffectiveness of Sega's strategy over the past several years of developing games by western developers. At the same time, Sega will also announce, according to these sources, they will no longer develop AAA games on consoles, but will focus on digital games, notably for cell phones and tablets. Sega's last big title developed by Creative Assembly will be presented at E3 2012 in a few days. Furthermore, remember that Sega has announced they will not be at Gamescom 2012.


So that cuts all the rumours about possible Shenmue remake for the next-gen as well as new games in the series. Such a shame because it was possibly the best game of the previous generation of video games. Well, in the midst of Max Payne and GTA remakes for mobile phones perhaps they'll consider going down the same path with Shenmue, it could be really cool.
Although I was always a Nintendo man (going back to the NES) it's sad to see this.

I did really like Golden Axe and Nights into Dreams.

The Saturn (which I bought as I thought the Playstation would be a flash in the pan) and Game Gear (which ate 6 AA batteries every 4 hours) were not the best purchases i've ever made
Sega died the day sonic appeared on a Nintendo console.

Mega drive was a superb system. But was eventually beaten by the SNES.
Awful shame this, I was a mega drive/sega man back in the day way before I got let down by the following consoles and became a nintendo man.

Even owned a game gear with Defenders of Oasis and Columns being two of my favourites.

I guess the part for me is I don't play console games anymore except for the occasional game on a handheld device/phone which they may still make games for but really sad.
Damn shame. I was always more of a Nintendo fan growing up but I appreciate a lot of the games they made also. Is there any chance of them licensing out franchises to other developers?
Damn shame. I was always more of a Nintendo fan growing up but I appreciate a lot of the games they made also. Is there any chance of them licensing out franchises to other developers?

I'm hoping Nintendo will buy/take over Sonic, I would like to see what they can do with it. Especailly since Hirokazu Yasuhara (director and designer of the early Sonic games [wiki]) joined Nintendo a couple of months back.
I'm hoping Nintendo will buy/take over Sonic, I would like to see what they can do with it. Especailly since Hirokazu Yasuhara (director and designer of the early Sonic games [wiki]) joined Nintendo a couple of months back.

To be honest sonic is one of those games I never really "loved". It just felt like you could speed through the levels with very little skill. Saying that I'm sure Nintendo could possibly put a new slant on it
It's a shame :( My first console was the Sega Mega Drive - awesome little box!
There was something refreshing about the time when consoles were consoles and the Nintendo vs Sega battle. Good times
who could forget micro machines and streets of rage :drool:
Loved the Mastersystem & Mega drive but then turned to sony, was never a nintendo fan
I think it's bollocks. Sega Sammy released their full-year results last month, and if anything major was to be said to shareholders, it would have been said there. And anyone in Sega who thinks it's a good idea to discuss this before E3 needs to be slapped silly.
I don't know I remember reading that Yu Suzuki wanted to buy the rights so he could make me 3. Sega wouldn't sell and make any future games. So this could be a good thing for Shenmue.

Found the article -

Indeed, SEGA going down the shitter might actually force their hand into selling off the franchise. Since Shenmue 2 they've been sitting on their arses too afraid to fund another Shenmue game on the back of its lackluster sales. Meanwhile they've been all to happy to send out rehashes of mediocre Sonic games no one wants.

Though I'm not sure how Suzuki could go about funding the game himself, or where he's going to get the resources and team to develop a game like Shenmue 3. Personally, I hope someone like Capcom picks up the franchise while allowing Suzuki personal freedom over the project.

That being said I'm still very skeptical over these rumours, and would personally prefer SEGA to bankroll Shenmue while perhaps letting the chaps from the Yakuza games pitch in with the development.
As far as Shenmue goes they (whoever gets the rights) should remake 1 and 2 for whatever gen of consoles is out there. They wouldn't need to develop story as it is already done and it could be used to increase interest to push for funding for 3 (whoever ends up funding it)...
I had no idea they were originally an American company. Wish I had my Megadrive still so I could have a game of Desert Strike.