I have been using this website recently http://www.scribblelive.com/. It is very good for discussing live stuff ie. Football matches, current affairs.
I was wondering if Redcafe might look at something like this for their match day threads.
Its very good, all you need is a twitter account and its real time. What it would do is take people off the Redcafe site, but I think it could also bring more quality posters onto the site who are already using Scribble.
Just an idea. have a look Mods and see if its something that could work.
I think you can design your own page around it. From my understanding its a very new form of chatting - but if redcafe were looking to increase their user base this might be a good way of getting new Man Utd fans in.
Maybe their is something else like this out there - Maybe might help with your broadband around match days - this is the link to teh Arsenal game yesterday http://liveblogs.thescore.com/Event/BPL_-_Arsenal_vs_Manchester_United?Page=0
I was wondering if Redcafe might look at something like this for their match day threads.
Its very good, all you need is a twitter account and its real time. What it would do is take people off the Redcafe site, but I think it could also bring more quality posters onto the site who are already using Scribble.
Just an idea. have a look Mods and see if its something that could work.
I think you can design your own page around it. From my understanding its a very new form of chatting - but if redcafe were looking to increase their user base this might be a good way of getting new Man Utd fans in.
Maybe their is something else like this out there - Maybe might help with your broadband around match days - this is the link to teh Arsenal game yesterday http://liveblogs.thescore.com/Event/BPL_-_Arsenal_vs_Manchester_United?Page=0