

The Baz Man - He made us laugh 2000 - 2012
May 17, 2000
Dines out
I have been using this website recently It is very good for discussing live stuff ie. Football matches, current affairs.

I was wondering if Redcafe might look at something like this for their match day threads.

Its very good, all you need is a twitter account and its real time. What it would do is take people off the Redcafe site, but I think it could also bring more quality posters onto the site who are already using Scribble.

Just an idea. have a look Mods and see if its something that could work.

I think you can design your own page around it. From my understanding its a very new form of chatting - but if redcafe were looking to increase their user base this might be a good way of getting new Man Utd fans in.

Maybe their is something else like this out there - Maybe might help with your broadband around match days - this is the link to teh Arsenal game yesterday
I've brought it to Niall's attention Baz.
Its hard to get a real feel for it without following a live event. Might be worth experimenting with for something maybe over the summer and see how it goes.

I know Niall might not want to take the people off this site - but I think this type of website will be massive in a few months. And if he is in early might be able to captivate the United audience, which would bring new posters back to here. Its less then a year old and slowly taking off. No connection to this site btw - just been using it for some Current affairs stuff and found it easy and beneficial
Thanks Baz, looks really interesting, will definitely check it out.

Having users leave the site isn't that big a problem - the scribblelive page can even be in an iframe as a work around. But not having integrated username's/authentication is more problematic.

There will be no consistency with usernames of people who post comments. Most people's twitter (or whatever) username is very often going to be completely different to their redcafe one.

For something like the minute-by-minute threads where it is two people posting updates this could be good - although the actual matchday discussion topics seem to be more popular. Still, as you say Baz, has a lot of potential.
Thanks Baz, looks really interesting, will definitely check it out.

Having users leave the site isn't that big a problem - the scribblelive page can even be in an iframe as a work around. But not having integrated username's/authentication is more problematic.

There will be no consistency with usernames of people who post comments. Most people's twitter (or whatever) username is very often going to be completely different to their redcafe one.

For something like the minute-by-minute threads where it is two people posting updates this could be good - although the actual matchday discussion topics seem to be more popular. Still, as you say Baz, has a lot of potential.

Excellent Niall. You see the potential as well. You are right about the usernames but I think within Twitter they can be changed easily for those who don't want to post under their names. But in all honesty everyone sort oof knows everyone now and those who remain hidden would still maybe set up a Twitter account just for this.

I watched Questions and Answers on it last night and we had about 50 people posting. For someone like me it made Q&A more interesting. I think its about the 3rd week we have used it and numbers have grown from 6 to 50 already. We had 3 journalists use it last night with us as well.

It does not take a scientist to see that whoever gets a core United following will do well. And for you would help bring new posters onto the site. Maybe too late to start for next Sunday, but maybe offer it up as an alternative. I'm not around as I would help you with it, but i'd be willing to give it a go for the likes of Wimbledon and the Andy Murray matches and see how easy it is to work around.
I must be old. I fecking hate twitter and I don't have a facebbok entry.
not sure how that works, i put a comment, using my name and now im logged in, no need for password or anything
Yeah you can post a comment without being logged into Twitter, Facebook or whatever.

Event 'writers' can choose to fully moderate all comments so that bogus ones can be filtered. I didn't turn that on in the test event.
Well if you take away the shit I put here from time to time, I am good at my businesses.

I'd even be tempted to tell Niall to keep this under lids and delete this thread as some other site might get ahead of him with it
I must be old. I fecking hate twitter and I don't have a facebbok entry.

Personally I find Facebook is shit, but Twitter is a very good application for business. In fact its excellent.

For a Twitter account wibble just sign one up for this. You don't have to use it, but it can be your log in for this thing.

As explained this might take the matchday lurkers away from the forum and also offer Niall another platform to engage new redcafe posters which he might not get.
Personally I find Facebook is shit, but Twitter is a very good application for business. In fact its excellent.

For a Twitter account wibble just sign one up for this. You don't have to use it, but it can be your log in for this thing.

As explained this might take the matchday lurkers away from the forum and also offer Niall another platform to engage new redcafe posters which he might not get.

We're always told that Niall wants the lurkers ON the forum because some of them click on ads.

I find this a strange idea because it would take all of the matchday discussion away from the forum. One of the main reasons for having a football forum is so members can discuss the match while it's going on. It makes no sense to me to take that discussion to another website. If the idea is to get rid of the lurkers then it contradicts the reason for keeping them on the site (they click ads).