Scary video game moments

Olly Gunnar Solskjær

Marxist bacon-hating kebab-dodging Tinder rascal
Jan 26, 2008
dreams can't be buy
Not necessarily actual "scary", anything that creeped you out or made you jump etc.

- The zombie dogs jumping through the windows in Resident Evil.
- Crimson heads in the REmake.
- The boy with the scissors in Clock Tower on the SNES.
- The flamethrower soldier things in Return to Castle Wolfenstein. When they suddenly appear and start chasing me :(
- Eternal Darkness bath scene.
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In F.E.A.R I remember nearly shitting myself the first time you see the little girl. It's when you turn around to go down a ladder and she's just standing there. Great game.
Resident Evil on ps2. At one point in the game you go into a dark corridor, then you hear noises and this thing appears straight infront of you from the ceiling. It was very early on in the game I think, I never heard of this game and borrowed it from a friend and it fecking made me nearly shit my pants. Think it might have being one of these type feckers:

In F.E.A.R I remember nearly shitting myself the first time you see the little girl. It's when you turn around to go down a ladder and she's just standing there. Great game.

Liverpool bet United 9-3 in an old Football Manager game once, that resulted in a few slepless nights...
Basically all of Amnesia.

But mainly when I first saw one of the monsters quickly disappearing around a corner down a hallway. I ran after it to see what it was (because apparently I've never seen a horror film ever) and when it appeared behind me and roared I almost shat.
The snake in the attic of Resident Evil 1 scared the shit out of me first time I encountered it.
Too many moments in Silent Hill games, but the one that stands out is the scraping noise that Pyramid Head's knife made dragging along the floor. You'd hear that long before you saw him and it used to scare the crap out of me knowing he was nearby. Even just the radio going off when you're in the middle of the fog used (:nervous:) to make me jump.

Resident Evil - The giant bastard spiders.

F.E.A.R 2 - I'd never played the original but gave this a go, when I got to a swimming pool bit and turned around and she was there for a split second I admit to jumping.

Final Fantasy 7 - Shinra building, weird music, dead guards, blood on the walls and a headless body with eyes for nipples. Yeah that freaked me out a bit.
One time I turned Pokemon Red off, and then couldn't remember if I'd saved it or not.
In F.E.A.R I remember nearly shitting myself the first time you see the little girl. It's when you turn around to go down a ladder and she's just standing there. Great game.

I remember that. Very effective
Condemned - Mannequins. Locker man. In fact, most of it.

Resident Evil Nemesis - That bit where you saw him on the surveilance cam and knew he was waiting for you around the corner.

Dead Space - all of it. Awesome sound design created the entire atmosphere.
The only one i can think of right now is the dog through the window scene in Resident Evil. For the age i was i genuinely jumped out of my seat at the moment it happened.
Oh quite a few:

Special mentions to Thief, Vampire Bloodlines (ocean hotel level) and more or less every minute of Amnesia.
Not sure if this qualifies as truly scary, but I loved this game: