Saw 3D


Full Member
May 13, 2009
Out next Thursday, anyone going to watch it.

I hope it is the stand out one of all the saw films.
I might watch it, but these films have become really shit and confusing, they really should stop making them. Paranormal Activity 2 might be more tempting than this atm, but will wait for the reviews.
Saw 3 onwards disapointed but I am hopeful this will be the best as its the last. Also the 3D factor will make it more interesting.

Saying that Toy Story in 3D was poor
Saw 3 onwards disapointed but I am hopeful this will be the best as its the last. Also the 3D factor will make it more interesting.

Saying that Toy Story in 3D was poor

I'm not bought by the whole 3D thing yet, but I think it will add an extra-dimension (no pun intended) to watching horror films and will suit horror films better than films like Toy Story and Avatar.