Saints Row 2 (PS3)


Full Member
Mar 8, 2007
Has anybody else got this game? It would be a good game if it were not for one or two serious glitches. The problem I'm having is that sometimes I can't change weapons. Usually, this happens when I run out of ammunition and I'm forced to use a melee weapon such as the samurai sword. I then end up stuck with the sword and I'm not sure how the feck I'm supposed to get rid of it or change back to a gun. It's really annoying! :mad:

Can anybody tell me if there is something I can download that will fix this problem or should I just feck it off and trade it in for GTA IV?
I dont know about the glitches since I havent been getting them, but I wouldnt trade it in for GTA IV, believe it or not SR2 is superior when it comes to actual fun.
Works fine here. How exactly are you trying to change weapon? Holding circle then using the left analog stick to point in the direction of the weapon you want, ofcourse it won't let you choose a gun unless you have ammo for it.
Works fine here. How exactly are you trying to change weapon? Holding circle then using the left analog stick to point in the direction of the weapon you want, ofcourse it won't let you choose a gun unless you have ammo for it.

Yeah, I'm holding down circle button so that the weapons inventory appears at the top right of the screen and using the left analog stick to select a weapon. I have three guns (pistol, machine gun, shotgun) and only the pistol has ran out of ammo so I don't understand why I can't select either the shotgun or the machine gun. I end up stuck with the bloody samurai sword! I might try storing it in my weapons cache if it will let me and see if that solves the problem.

Fortunately, I saved the game at a point where I wasn't having this problem so I'll just go back to that point and try to avoid running out of ammo I guess.

Anyway, thanks for your help lads. :)