I absolutely despise this type of video/reporting or whatever you want to call it. The loud music, the thumbs up, the whole feel of the video makes me cringe and also very sad.
I get it's a modern world, I get that social media is used in ways that many don't even know, or understand. But this type of propaganda is just sick. People are dying in these films, but they are dying to a soundtrack and in a video designed to gain support and to boost morale. I just find it all disturbing that people's lives and a war where war crimes and atrocities are being carried out every single minute of the day are being used in something that looks like a cross between an MTV video and an advert for the latest Call Of Duty.
I just think when things so serious and important are reduced in such a way that it's so sad that we have become as desensitized to genocide as we are with school shootings.
That says a lot about us as a species.