If you want to join me in clinging on to a bit of hope - It is quite possible Ukraine has spent all winter stockpiling weapons and making plans for a large offensive come spring/summer, while committing the minimal amount they can get away with to hold the lines at Bakhmut, Vuhledar, etc. Ukraine has barely committed any significant force anywhere in the last 5 months. In all the footage I've seen released from both sides, and Russia releases a lot themselves, I don't think I've seen more than two Ukrainian armoured vehicles in the same picture.
They have a lot of new shiny toys coming online in the next few months and just because they have been begging for more of everything, doesn't mean they are massively short of anything. They will do whatever they can to receive as much aid as possible, they have to.
They just need to drive a wedge down past Melitopal toward the south coast (much easier said than done ofc). If they can do that, they can completely cut off supplies to Crimea and all Russian forces to the west. Hit the bridge, bomb the port at Sevastopol, Russian Navy will be scared to come anywhere near Neptune range.