The internet gives a voice to all types I suppose. In previous eras we were much more confined to hearing opinions that more closely reflected our own, because you would choose who to surround yourself with. If, for example, this was 20 years ago and someone I knew was saying we should sack Amorim after 15 games,'s such a ridiculously hyperbolic, knee jerk reaction, that they probably wouldn't be the sort of person I'd be hanging around with; because to make such a suggestions, with any element of seriousness, one probably has to have some fairly seriously defective character traits or thinking pathways. These days, however, with the internet, you get these crazy opinions thrown in your face from all corners, and you start to wonder if people have always been this mental or if the internet has brought it out in them. Are people more emboldened by the anonymity these forums provide, to spout such nonsense? Would they feel too foolish to say this out loud to people who actually knew them, for fear of rightful ridicule? Or are they as clueless and tone-deaf in real life as they are online?
Just the idea that we should terminate Amorim's contract after a difficult beginning, when he has a herculean task on his hands, and the thought that such a move would lead to a better outcome in the medium or long term, is truly baffling. I think, the intelligent people I've discussed this with on this forum, all recognise that the club has gotten itself into such a state over the last decade, that at some point results almost have to be shelved in pursuit of a complete cultural, technical, and tactical reset at the club. Short term pain for long term gain. Again, with these same people, the agreement seems to be that these first six months under Amorim will be very difficult, because of the change in approach, the retooling of the squad, the bad habits that have to be drilled out of the players, the financial restrictions, the low confidence, the broken, toxic culture that needs resetting; and of course the highly competitive and ruthless nature of the modern Premier League. It's bandage ripping off time. We need to take that pain, instead of trying to paper over the cracks, to build a brighter, more sustainable future.
And even though I know people can be reactionary, it's almost quaint that I can still be unpleasantly surprised by the sheer level of impatience, lack of situational awareness, absence of critical and strategic thinking, and hysteria that creeps into so many posts in threads like these. I do thank those that continue to fight the good fight, by being realistic, practical, patient, and erudite in their understanding of not only football, but also leadership as a whole; but sometimes this place feels like going on a Trump forum to extoll the virtues of vaccination or renewable energy. You just know you are going to be bombarded with mouth frothing, untethered, delusional fantasies. The type where the author points the finger, but never provides any tangible solutions that stand up to any level of reasonable scrutiny.