Roy Keane - Match Compilations


Pythagoras in Boots
May 16, 2009
Not sure if posted but its generally very rare to find clips of United players imo but anyway here are some random ones of Keano at his peak or just past it.

Only watched the first one so far but one of the things that's struck me he always plays balls into peoples' strides so they don't have to slow down/stop to receive his passes. Obviously it's one of the first things you're told to do as a kid but it's something that a lot of (especially British and Irish) players can't seem to get the hang of.
My favorite player of all time, cheers for these.
His performance against Juve especially after the booking was exceptional. His intensity and drive that night were wonderful. Shame he turned into a bitter journalist, but there is no doubt he was one of the best players in the world during his prime.
Only thread I could find to put this which wasn't about him being a cnut since he left the club.

Great thread, not a fan of all the Keane bashing that goes on here so it's refreshing to see this. Yes, he's been bitter and contrary about United during his time in punditry, but he was an absolute superstar for us and did more than he gets credit for.
Great thread, not a fan of all the Keane bashing that goes on here so it's refreshing to see this. Yes, he's been bitter and contrary about United during his time in punditry, but he was an absolute superstar for us and did more than he gets credit for.

Yeah, no matter what bitterness he has shown since, I'll always love the memories of what he did on the pitch for United.
Great watch, all he memories flooding back in. His brace at Highbury springs to mind.
My favourite player of your team - because he played for us first ;)

Absolutely outstanding player. Considering the team we had at the time its quite a compliment to say, during his prime, I always felt we weren't quite the same when he wasn't playing and I was always nervous when he was out.

His bitterness towards the club since he left is really disappointing, regardless of whether its justified or where it comes from. It's a shame that one of the best players to ever pull on the shirt doesn't have a good relationship with the club, but hey-ho, it in no way tarnishes what he achieved with us as a player.

Also worth noting that before, during and after the match during the week he was singing Utd's praises.
The fact you came in here just to insult him shows your immaturity.

Or perhaps, shows my dislike of him. In fact, that would be the most obvious reading from the insult.
I enjoyed watching those clips, he was some player. I don't let the odd little dig of his towards Utd if you could even call them that get to me as much as others seem to do. The man has said plenty of positive or nice things about Utd as a club, Fergie and Utd fans as well since he left and recent enough too, this ''he's a bitter twisted twat'' and the like shite is all a load of bollix.
I enjoyed watching those clips, he was some player. I don't let the odd little dig of his towards Utd if you could even call them that get to me as much as others seem to do. The man has said plenty of positive or nice things about Utd as a club, Fergie and Utd fans as well since he left and recent enough too, this ''he's a bitter twisted twat'' and the like shite is all a load of bollix.

Spot on
Or perhaps, shows my dislike of him. In fact, that would be the most obvious reading from the insult.

So despite all he did playing for us and what an instrumental figure he was for driving the standards at our club which is still key to our success you're only contribution is the word 'prick'. OK.
Absolutely outstanding player. Considering the team we had at the time its quite a compliment to say, during his prime, I always felt we weren't quite the same when he wasn't playing and I was always nervous when he was out.

His bitterness towards the club since he left is really disappointing, regardless of whether its justified or where it comes from. It's a shame that one of the best players to ever pull on the shirt doesn't have a good relationship with the club, but hey-ho, it in no way tarnishes what he achieved with us as a player.

Also worth noting that before, during and after the match during the week he was singing Utd's praises.

Exactly right. Hell of a damn player. That's the main thing. Of all the players I've seen for United he is the one whose presence on the pitch I've missed the most following his departure. He left a hole like none other has done. It must be said, though, that this is embellishing the truth somewhat - because the hole was starting to appear some time before he actually left. He wasn't the same player towards the end. Still, immense player for us - and incredibly important, instrumental, call it what you will. He was the backbone.

His bitterness - yeah, what can you say...Sometimes I think most of it is just his natural disposition: Contrary for the sake of it. If it's expected of him to be polite and complimentary (about United, for instance) he isn't going to, simple as that. If the eleven other jury members say guilty as charged, Keano will say the opposite. And there's plain, old bitterness too - of course. He felt slighted and trod on after he was basically forced out - not surprising, really. I suppose United could've handled it better. But he didn't make it easy for himself. The club had no reason to treat him with the utmost delicacy - a fact he will probably never see for it what it is.
How any united fan could dislike him I don't know

Oh get a grip. Half of you lot on here have openly admitted to disliking Wayne Rooney many times. I love United, but I have rarely had an unmitigating love for any player, or any individual outside my family for that matter. If a United player acts in a manner that I don't agree with, I can acknowledge that. If I was a Liverpool fan, I would admit Suarez was a prick too.

Football is football, and I think the fact that some players are good at it often causes fans to excuse any sort of behaviour. Now Roy Keane is not the worst footballer by any means (as a person), and when he played for us, I also felt nervous when he wasn't in the team. But I don't take the attitude that United players are doing me and everyone a huge favour by simply playing for us. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement where we get viewing pleasure and they get huge sums of money. The club always comes first to me, and if an ex-player wants to constantly take shots at us in the media, then I am within my rights to call him a prick. So what if he played very well for us once upon a time? He was well compensated for that too. He has acted like a cnut many times both during his time as a player with us and since then. He was a very good at football, was a leader, and also seemingly a prick.
Great stuff. We like to bang on about how he was the embodiment of the box-to-box midfielder, crunching tackles, lung bursting late runs into the box and all but I think his greatest and most underrated asset to us was probably his metronomic passing. If you watch those clips, he's just sitting in midfield, breaking up play and playing those simple passes out of defence. Its not much of a difference from what our current #16 is doing now.
For all his flaws, how I wish we'd have a 25-year old Keane in our team right now. Fire, determination, drive, aggression, style. When top of his game, he really was the embodiment of leadership. His protection of Gazza against Vieira is still my favorite off-field Keano moment.
Great stuff. We like to bang on about how he was the embodiment of the box-to-box midfielder, crunching tackles, lung bursting late runs into the box and all but I think his greatest and most underrated asset to us was probably his metronomic passing. If you watch those clips, he's just sitting in midfield, breaking up play and playing those simple passes out of defence. Its not much of a difference from what our current #16 is doing now.

His first touch and close control of the ball in tight areas was superior and that in addition to his personality and leadership skills, make him twice the player... god knows what he'd be worth in the current market.
How any united fan could dislike him I don't know

Probably a child or a foreigner who wasn't watching United when Keane was there/at his peak.

Was at the game tonight.