Rotten Tomatoes movie review site


Full Member
Aug 4, 2006
Football, Bloody hell!
ROTTEN TOMATOES: Movies - New Movie Reviews and Previews!

I don't remember seeing anyone quote this site before. Its a must for any regular movie goers, oor even for rentals. It has been incredibly consistent for me, I've made it a rule to not watch anything that gets a rating lower than 70% or so.

Its brilliant for recommendations for movies that are not mainstream and it means you have no excuse for going to watch shit movies anymore.
I do not get that feeling otherwise people would not be going to see movies like Last Airbender etc, I see so many people here complaining about going to see shit movies, I have not been to see nor rented a shit movie in more than a year or so because of it
If you read Wiki of nay movies, they always state Rotten Tomato ratings there..
I find the whole site a bit confusing...I just stick with imdb.

I prefer IMDB too, most of the people who review on RT seem to me to be movie snobs and often write off a lot of half decent films as something that has already been done, but most films contains some elements of others, doesn't mean they are bad.
Different strokes for different folks. Better off just watchin films and making your own mind up.

Though it's probably useful for discovering less advertised films.
I use it as a reference after seeing a film, to compare thoughts and ratings.

Much better than the loons on IMDB.

Many times the films I like are around the 50% mark. So I don't find it great for picking something to watch.
I like to follow it for big movies that are coming out to see the first negative reviews and watch the fanboy's reactions.
This is better than IMDB especially when it comes to unknown films.