Originally posted by Murt:
Murt feels uncomfortable with Shanks admiration and would like to make ite clear to wanks that hes so straight that the local rulers (the ones you draw straight lines with as opposed to local politicans and the like) are jealous.
Murt wonders how they justify charging money for it and why do so many dippers litteraly despise kocktalk?
Murt isnt surprised that dippers are so gullible to pay for it, after all Murt recollects, what 6 yrs ago ot so when Gerard Houlier took over and promised to make them serious title contenders within 5 yrs <img src="graemlins/houllier.gif" border="0" alt="[Houllier]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />
Gulible dippers bought that one too.
80 points. Usually wins you the title Murt.
KT is the best LFC forum on the net, the Ressies can be a bit crap, but it's generally all good, intelligent discussion.
As for the Insider, well Dunk has to make his pennies, he's not got an infinte supply of money you know. And for a quid it's a bargain entery to the BEST Liverpool site on the net.