Rockstar Games


Full Member
Jul 14, 2008
I may be the devil, but i'm not a monster
Was discussing this with a mate the other night and while their games are sometimes over rated 'GTA4! although not story wise' they always churn out something quality. Whether you enjoyed L.A. Noire or not, it was a different type of game that appealed to a different audience. I know a couple of older people that actually quite like the linier feel of it. They don't have alot of time on their hands but still enjoy playing video games, and they liked it simply because the production values were excellent and they could sit down and just play an hour or two and not have to concern themselves with the story.

But back to the point, not often to you find a huge amount of people disappointed at one of their releases or finding them not long enough. I always feel like I get value for money from their games, something I haven't felt from games like Mafia 2, MW2 and Black ops.
I love GTA4 and all of the DLC. Red Dead was also fantastic.
Red Dead is the only game I've gotten as much as a 99% completion rate in. Loved it to bits.
Yeah Red Dead was fantastic. Never really got into the whole urban gangster stuff in the GTA Games but really enjoyed the Wild West feel of Red Dead.
Anyway the GTAs are all amazing games - San Andreas was the peak for my money (although I know that most people feel Vice City was a superior experience).

That said behind GTA SA my favourite Rockstar game is Max Payne 2. Amazing game, looking forward to the third next year.
San Andreas and Red Dead are two of my favorite games. Has anyone played that DLC Episodes of GTAIV, I think that biker gang one is pretty good.
San Andreas and Red Dead are two of my favorite games. Has anyone played that DLC Episodes of GTAIV, I think that biker gang one is pretty good.

Yes. The biker one, while still quality, is not as good as TBOGT.