Rock Lords / Guitar Players of Redcafe - A Challenge

Deleted 20801


I can't find this song, and it's either such an obscure sample, or created for this song only, but the task is an absolute mammoth one to really solve, so in the meantime, until I meet up with DJ Premier and get the truth out of him, or batter Edo G until he confesses.

So, I come to you, rock lords and guitarists, can you please record your version of the first 30 seconds...It can be with or without drums, but if you could provide a version without the drums (so I can re-make the introduction) I would be eternally grateful.

I wouldn't know where to start in remaking this, and you've all demonstrated more knowledge then I could ever amass on the genre, so hopefully someone can help me out here.
I'm sure one or two will do this soon but if not I'll install gearbox again onto my laptop and give it a go, but as you know with exams tomorrow and the coming week(s) I may not find time to do it for a few days atleast.
As I said in the other thread, I can knock something out over the weekend - a few questions though.

a) It's tuned lower than concert pitch - do you want it the same? The way my guitars are tuned (concert pitch), this isn't possible but I can 'drop' the recording - just adds another step and want to know whether to take the time to.

b) Do you want it recorded with distortion, reverb etc or would you want to do all that yourself - sane with frequency, compression etc? I can record it 'wet'
And obviously you won't be able to change the sounds or I can run it through some emulation software (guitar rig, amp farm etc) and just send you a 'dry' recording....although it'll sound crap until you do run it through.

c) Do you want it playing exacty the same as the recording or are you open to a slightly different interpretation.

What I'll do is send you a fairly quick recording and I can spend a bit more
time doing a 'proper' one after sone direction from yourself - my experience of sessions tells that you never know what people want, so as much direction as possible.

If you're happy with the results, I'm always available for other recordings etc....although my '80's metal style' does put people off LOL.

I'm a bit if a perfectionist so it may sound a bit much for such a small thing but........
Ignore the grammatical errors and lack of question marks....damn iPhone and my stupid fingers!!