Robson Green - Extreme Fishing

He's back!

Another series just started.

Seriously, watch it. You won't regret it. He's just such a bell-end. Think of it like Tribe, only with Bruce Parry replaced by a petulant geordie diva.

Harry Hill showed a clip from the last series where he went out on a boat with some local fisherman who caught a fecking massive fish followed by a clip of Robson Green standing with said fish stating how it was the biggest fish he's ever caught, despite him not doing anything to help catch it other than maybe weigh the boat down a bit by sitting there being a useless twat. Is it all like that?
Harry Hill showed a clip from the last series where he went out on a boat with some local fisherman who caught a fecking massive fish followed by a clip of Robson Green standing with said fish stating how it was the biggest fish he's ever caught, despite him not doing anything to help catch it other than maybe weigh the boat down a bit by sitting there being a useless twat. Is it all like that?

Kind of.

He also specialises in being incredibly patronising to all the natives - most of whom can't stand him. Plus he gets unbelievably pissed off when the fishing's bad and scared shitless by any animals he encounters that aren't fish.

It's brilliant.
I have to be honest Pogue, it really doesn't sound brilliant. Or even slightly good.