Road Rap - Download Now

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OMZ Trapstarr, Blade Brown, Page, Youngs Teflon, Krept, Loops, Timbar, Fix Dot'm, Skwilla

Production - Carns Hills, Loco - Hills Production

This is a custom download, a selection of the best the Uk has to offer for the roads. The producers, Carns and Loco are two of the very best and most consistent in the country.

Loco in particular, and what he's done on Hills Production is insane.

Do not download if you do not like road rap, you will hate this.

Do download if you've listened to Giggs, Blade Brown, Youngsta/Yung Meth etc and want more, or darker.

80% of this album is brought, and not available anywhere to download, some tracks have been acquired, and to my knowledge have and will not be released. I've uploaded it, please make the effort to comment if you download. If you do not download, or don't listen to this music, please avoid commenting, or I will remove your posts.


Road Rap
If you want the extremely rare and hard to get Beat Tapes of Carns Hill and Loco, PM me.

100 tracks of absolute madness, all instrumentals.
This road rap album is excellent lads, take a chance to get it, highlights are Track 18, 12, 14 and the Loco instrumentals (3 of them.) Including some great 80's sampling.

Cheers for the link Hectic.
Definitely good, this. I'm listening to two Blade Brown albums and Anti-Social at the moment, so it'll take a while to devour all of it. But I'll get there, I like this stuff a lot.

What is 'road rap'?
Do you have Lowkey's album Hectic?

I do, solo and collabs, and mixtapes. I'm not a big fan though. He's done a lot of work with a producer who is also a friend, for some reason I love his stuff there, although no doubt that's pretty much down to me just loving my friends beats more than anything else.
What tracks did your mate produce out of interest?..If you can remember.

Just asking as it's by far the kind of stuff I prefer, specifically the whole "don't be dick heads and rap about gangster nonsense you bell 'ends" angle. And am just interested in what the fans of the kind of shit he goes after (not that you're in any way exclusively that) think of it..

...I'm downloading this now btw.
I'm not at liberty to say as it's all work for 2011 (Recorded in 2010), but I'll ask him as I haven't spoken to him in a long while, if any of that stuffs released, there's no harm in spreading it around. I remember there was work on Lowkey for Lowkey's mixtape/album, and then even more for my friends album, which I will happily post (to buy) when it's released. Quite a few tracks thinking about it, he works alot with Klash as well, I find it's much better.

I'll speak to him today and find out what the deal is, he also has a few songs with him from pre 2010 so I'll find the names and forward them to you. He loves Lowkey, I can see why as well, but I just can't get into it. With the UK I'm either for that Cyrus Malachi, Triple Darkness conscious stuff, or that real real super ignorant shit.
I'm going to find some of his old stuff Mockney, you would love it, he too prefers that, as oppose to what I've posted in this thread. His production also seems to bring out the best in rappers, I heard a lot of Lowkey that I didn't like, but on these beats it's as if he has to go that little bit extra. He's got some great work with artists I don't know, or haven't heard enough from to comment on, you might be more familiar, but they sound like a new wave in the scene at the moment.
Good stuff. I'll definitely be interested. Klash is a bit too full on for me most of the time, though I like a lot of his tracks. There was a big Terra Firma tune knocking about around the time of Murda that was all over the place whenever I went to UK spots...But I can't remember what it was called. Banger though.

Lowekey's much better now than he was...The Key to The Game Mixtapes are good, but at the time not much different to what was out there bar one or too great tunes (Perspective with Doc Brown - another great, conscious MC who's now - bizarrely, but to good effect - a comedian - being one) .. but since he's deepened his voice (I don't know whether he used to put on a Chester P nasal effect, or whether he just dropped late) got a little angrier and gotten better production, I think he's been one of the most relevant out there.
I know exactly what you are talking about and it's going to wind me up until I get home and find the song, I remember when everyone was going on about Murda, but it was the Terra Firma tune that was much much much better. Yeah I preferred his first album, and he's been in decline since, but again, he's sounding much better recently, although apparently his work ethic is pretty much obsolete now.
That'd be awesome. It's been bugging me on and off for years. Especially since I like to think I know my shit from that era. I can still remember the beat in my head. It went, Dooo, Brrrr, dooo, brrrrr, doo, brrrrr, dooo, brrrrrr.....or something. Top tune that.

I've been a lot less Hip Hop orientated these last few years tbh...I need to get back into it really. I can see why Lowkey is not everyone's cup of tea. It's very my way or the highway preach at you stuff. His battle with Chipmunk was fantastically hilarious though, and pretty much everything I would've wanted to say to an artist like that.
You've fecked me over Mockney, it's doing my brain in, but I know I have it at home, at least if I don't then I'm making phone calls. I'm looking at 'The Foundation' and none of it sticks out as the song. Although I did just stumble on Parrowdice and remembered that's my favorite song of theirs.

Me too, well, UK wise, it's just seen a rise of the gangster rap and although so much is shit, some of the production from the usual suspects, carns, loco and shellz is consistently brilliant, and different. But yeah, I need to get back into some intelligent stuff again.

Edit - Agree with that entirely. Also I found at some stage he was trying to move away from the political aspect that made his name, in relation to the rise of the road stuff in 2007 or 2008, but didn't do so for very long which is good as he's already become known for one style, why try and jump on the wagon to something completely differnet. It was a couple tracks and a feature, but made me re-evaluate him a little bit. I'm not a big fan, but he has a huge talent no doubt.
Also, I expect you to hate the custom album, but some of the instrumentals might appeal.

Loco has somehow captured the Triple 6 Mafia sound of the 90's. I have no idea how, but he's done it, to a much better effect and without completely retarded lyrics, or any.
Krept is deep as hell, his and Konan's bars on "Dunya" were powerful.

I'll check out this compilation Hecto, you usually have an excellent track record when it comes to Music in general, so I'll let you know how I'm feeling it.
not heard of 'road rap' before - apart from 1 or 2 tracks I didnt like it at all - oh well, I least I know to avoid it in future!
It's not a genre or anything, just a name. Were the two tracks instrumentals?
i assumed it was a record label?

i liked one of the Fix Dot'M tracks and then ye i think the other was an instrumental
No, just some random tracks put together. It's only referred to as road rap because the content on all of it is primarily about 'trapping'.....hustling.
The Charmz boy he was speaking about was mad popular, I remember when he died there was so much buzz in London. I from north, he was from south but it was all over the place. Think it even made London Tonight