Rift Planes of Telara


likes to use pantyhose
Jan 23, 2008
The Colonies
I have been beta testing this game on and off for a few weeks now and it looks like it could be a real contender for world of warcraft. The main thing that sets it apart and makes it interesting over wow is the ability to choose which talent trees you have making you spell and ability combinations almost endless. It is supposed to be released around March.



I was just saying exactly the same thing to the missus over breakfast this morning*. Bring it on I say.

*or I might have done if I had the faintest idea what you were going on about.
It's very, very good. I've been playing it all morning; bought it off Steam 'cos I'm feeling like shit and need something to do with my day off.

Graphics are lovely, UI is nice and familiar, as are the controls (mainly because they've been taken straight from WoW). I like that any race can be any class, and then you can be almost any role within each class. For example, I picked a cleric, but am being set up as a tank and melee dps rather than healer or ranged damage.

It's relatively cheap as far as games go, too, only £29 off Steam. And the first month's subscription is free, as if often the way with MMOs.
Played Beta for a bit, didn't really like it. I'm a big WoW fan and things are almost identical to WoW, from the roles, UI, layout, everything - which is certainly something they sold it is.

However, the thing that bothered me was the graphics.

I don't think with a PC MMORPG you can realistically go for a good-looking game based around realism. WoW is quite cartoony, and hence the graphics aren't the best but that's okay because it's cartoony. Trying to be realistic and have crappy graphics isn't going to work.

And I know it can look very good, but the thing is with the PC player-base, not everyone has great computers - mine is by no means shoddy, but it is not top-, top end either. And you need to cater to all, and if it looks really awful for those players, it's gonna be a turn off.

It also seems to take itself quite seriously. I don't want that too much in a game. I like that WoW makes fun of internet meme's, popular culture and itself.

Where else would you find a semi important quest where you have to save an Orc called Jack Bauden from being tied to a chair in a derelict old barracks where he complains that the last day has been lasting for years! HA.

Great stuff.

WoW > Rift ;)
I have been playing for a while now and am at level 29 on my warrior and loving it. The talent tree customization is really interesting and keeps the game fresh even while leveling.
I got this as well, looks like my favourite wow-contender in a while. Unfortunately march has been a great month for games, so it has to share with Dawn of war retribution and shogun 2, I also just downloaded overlord off steam
I'm level 43 atm, I'm playing a warrior with a reaver-riftblade-beastmaster spec. It's like a death knight, fun game but not sure I will keep playing when free period is over. I buy most MMO's and play the first month and eventually get bored.

The graphics is really really nice for a MMO, I'm playing in 1920*1080 with everything maxed except shadows and edge smoothing instead of super sampling.
I'm level 43 atm, I'm playing a warrior with a reaver-riftblade-beastmaster spec. It's like a death knight, fun game but not sure I will keep playing when free period is over. I buy most MMO's and play the first month and eventually get bored.

The graphics is really really nice for a MMO, I'm playing in 1920*1080 with everything maxed except shadows and edge smoothing instead of super sampling.

Your missing the best parts of the game! :) You have to raid (pve) or do arenas/battlegrounds (pvp) to get the real experience of MMOs.
This game has held my attention where WoW simply fell off after the initial awe. Hugely helped by that fact that the developers are quick and verbose when making changes, no stealth patching or ignoring of issues.

Your missing the best parts of the game! :) You have to raid (pve) or do arenas/battlegrounds (pvp) to get the real experience of MMOs.

The Warfronts are a mixed bag, Black Garden and Codex are immensely fun if you have two teams who know what they are doing and how the mechanics work.

Whitefall Steppes is more often than not a total clusterfeck with morons just having a scrap in the middle instead of going for the flag/stone, I reckon they should make it one central flag/stone that needs to be picked up and taken to your designated goal. That way the action stays focused but can still be tactical.

Personally I love the world PVP much more than the organised stuff, especially when both sides are scrapping after finishing off an invasion boss.