Reserve team player


New Member
Aug 13, 2007
I assume the bit under my name, that says reserve team player is related to how many posts i have made.

However i have noticed that some posters have random comments.

Is it possible for me to edit this, or must it be done by a mod.

that is all

Taglines are for cool people.
Which is why me and you don't have one.
I assure you some posters would rather have the "Reserve team player" tag as opposed to what they currently have under their names.

I was aware that i was talking bollocks.
It was an attempt at humour :(

So does that answer my question, only mods can edit them?

anyone feel like editing mine to something. Can be as spiteful and malicious as you feel.
pfft like the mods would really do that to anyone.

If they did, they would only do it to a sad fecker who enjoys the comfort of pantyhose.
i like it. although i did expect more wit. good spot on the name though, email address?
Do you not get to change the tagline yourself at any point? Or due u have to do something stupid to be given one :lol: