Regarding Damien Duff

Kinky Melinky

Full Member
Nov 8, 2000
There's a girl who works with me who is from Manchester. When she was over there she went out with Duff for a couple of months, and they still keep in contact with one another. I was asking her yesterday what he was saying about all this transfer talk. She said that she had been talking to him about it last week, and he had said that Souness isn't telling him a thing about the situation and that his only source of information is via the media. There's no doubting he'd love to go to United however.

He also said Souness is a tyrant and hates the Irish :mad:

Originally posted by Kinky Melinky:

He also said Souness is a tyrant and hates the Irish :mad: </strong><hr></blockquote>

Originally posted by Kinky Melinky:
<strong>There's a girl who works with me who is from Manchester. When she was over there she went out with Duff for a couple of months, and they still keep in contact with one another. I was asking her yesterday what he was saying about all this transfer talk. She said that she had been talking to him about it last week, and he had said that Souness isn't telling him a thing about the situation and that his only source of information is via the media. There's no doubting he'd love to go to United however.

He also said Souness is a tyrant and hates the Irish :mad:

:) </strong><hr></blockquote>

Could you pass on a message, please, please dont join the scousers Damien, please.


That souness sounds like a right tw@t though.
Originally posted by Kinky Melinky:
<strong>There's a girl who works with me who is from Manchester. When she was over there she went out with Duff for a couple of months, and they still keep in contact with one another. I was asking her yesterday what he was saying about all this transfer talk. She said that she had been talking to him about it last week, and he had said that Souness isn't telling him a thing about the situation and that his only source of information is via the media. There's no doubting he'd love to go to United however.

He also said Souness is a tyrant and hates the Irish :mad:

:) </strong><hr></blockquote>
Hey Kinky,
I heard Duff is a Mammy's boy and is afraid of girls. He calls his Mammy every night at eight :)
Originally posted by jamesblonde:
Hey Kinky,
I heard Duff is a Mammy's boy and is afraid of girls. He calls his Mammy every night at eight :) </strong><hr></blockquote>

Yup - but he scores goals ;)
Originally posted by Kinky Melinky:
<strong>He also has an "arse" fetish :D </strong><hr></blockquote>

Why did he leave ireland then?
Our women have the largest arses in the world!

Johnny Foreigner - come here and see for yourself!!
Hey Kinky,
Is she a minger or a babe?
I suspect him of having duff muff standards....
Originally posted by jamesblonde:

Why did he leave ireland then?
Our women have the largest arses in the world!

Johnny Foreigner - come here and see for yourself!!</strong><hr></blockquote>

<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />
<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />
Farawaylands you may yawn <img src="graemlins/yawn.gif" border="0" alt="[Yawn]" /> all you want, I'm telling you what he said. I've been on this site for about 3 years now and never have said as much as a morsal of a bulls**t transfer story of this nature.

He said that he would LOVE to come to United but has no idea what Souness has in mind.

The girl is actually kinda hot, but she's not Irish, she's a Blackburn following Manc, and has a nice arse actually.

JamesBlonde - You are right, Irish women have arses the size of small countries.