RedCafe FIFA12 Tournament - Game Results ONLY


Frankie Barwell ITK
Sep 20, 2009
Well done he’s 13
Post you scores in the following format:

Caf Username (Team Name) 3 - 0 (Team Name) Caf Username

A results:
Lynk (Napoli) 2 - 1 (Ivory Coast) Urbanned
Lynk (Atletico Madrid) 2 - 1 (Angzhi Ma.) Snow
Lynk (Uruguay) 6 - 1 (Bayer Leverkusen) Damien1990
Wayne_Rooney (CSKA) 3 - 1 (Sporting Lisbon) EdWeatherall
Wayne_Rooney (Juventus) 1 - 2 (B. Dortmund) Lynk
Wayne_Rooney (Bayern Leverkusen) 5 - 1 (FC Porto) Damien1990
EdWeatherall (Croatia) 3 - 2 (Atletico Madrid) Damien1990
Lynk (Benfica) 0 - 0 (Porto) EdWeatherall
Urbanned (Napoli) 3 - 3 (Ivory Coast) Levo91
Lynk (Juventus) 2 - 2 (Tottenham) Levo91
Urbanned (Sevilla) 2 - 4 (Liverpool) Wayne_Rooney
Urbanned (Zenit) 3 - 2 (Liverpool) Damien1990
Wayne_Rooney (Uruguay) 3 - 1 (CSKA) Levo91
vuc (Atletico Madrid) 0 - 1 (FC Porto) Levo91
Wayne_Rooney (Malaga) 0 - 0 (B.Leverkusen) Hal9000
Damien1990 (Tottenham) 3 - 5 (Borussia Dortmund) Hal9000
Damien1990 (Napoli) 2 - 4 (Ireland) FortBoyard
Urbanned (B. Dortmund) 3 - 2 (Spurs) Hal9000
Levo91 (Lyon) 3 - 2 (Belgium) Vidic_In_Moscow
EdWeatherall (PSG) 0 - 1 (Uruguay) Levo91
Urbanned (Uruguay) 0 - 0 (Porto) Vidic_in_Moscow
Burrow (Dortmund) 1 - 0 Hal9000 (Napoli)
Vuc (Villarreal CF) 0 - 1 (Juventus) Hal9000
Burrow (Napoli) 0 - 1 (Napoli) Vuc
EdWeatherall (Lille) 3-0 (Valencia) Vuc
Hal9000 (Uruguay) 2 - 1 (Napoli) Levo91
Hal9000 (Ivory Coast) 2 - 2 (PSG) Lynk
Urbanned (CSKA) 3 - 2 (Lyon) Vuc
vuc (Borussia Dortmund) 1 - 0 (Lille) Damien1990
vuc (Uruguay) 1 - 1 (Newcastle) Wayne_Rooney
Damien1990 (Ivory Coast) 4 - 2 (Marseille) Levo91
Vuc (Juve) 1 - 0 (Villareal) Lynk
Wayne_Rooney (Lille) 3 - 2 (OM) Burrow
Urban (Porto) 2 - 6 (Lyon) Damien1990
Wayne_Rooney (Lyon) 2 - 1 (Zenit) Damien1990
Urban (Liverpool) 1 - 2 (Roma) Wayne Rooney
Lynk (Roma) 1 - 1 (Russia) Wayne_Rooney
EdWeatherall (Juventus) 0 - 1 (Porto) Wayne_Rooney
EdWeatherall (Belgium) 4 - 0 (Spurs) Urbanned
Damien1990 (Napoli) 2-0 (Benfica) StuCol101
Damien1990 (Benfica) 2-0 (Tottenham) StuCol101
Levo91 (Belgium) 5-1 (Ivory Coast) EdWeatherall
Wayne_Rooney (Sporting CP) 3 - 0 (Belgium) StuCol101
Urban (Lyon) 2 - 1 (Marseille) StuCol
Urban (PSG) 3 - 0 (Uruguay) StuCol
EdWeatherall (Dortmund) 3-0 (Napoli) StuCol101
Stucol101 (Dortmund) 2 - 2 (Lyon) Levo
Stucol101 (Porto) 0 - 1 (Juventus) Levo
Urban (Belgium) 6 - 1 (Benfica) EdWeatherall
Urban (Russia) 2 - 0 (Chile) Levo91
Hal9000 (Belgium) 2 - 2 (Napoli) EdWeatherall
Hal9000 (Liverpool) 2 - 1 (CSKA) EdWeatherall
Hal9000 (PGS) 1 - 0 (Ath Madrid) Levo91
Wayne_Rooney (Belgium) 5 - 3 (Crotia) Hal9000
Hal9000 (Roma) 1 - 1 (Lyon) Stu
Hal9000 (Lyon) 1 - 0 (Valencia) Stu
vuc (Liverpool) 2 - 1 (Russia) Damien1990
Urban (Juventus) 1 - 0 (Russia) Vuc
Damien1990 (PSG) 2 - 2 (Atletico Madrid) Hal9000
vuc (Belgium) 2 - 1 (Lille) Hal9000
Wayne_Rooney (PSG) 4 - 1 (Villarreal) Levo91

B results:
puNANI (Ivory Coast) 1 - 3 (Uruguay) Zen86
Xander45 (Malaga) 2 - 3 (Liverpool) ben_united
Big-Red (Everton) 0 - 1 (Belgium) Xander45
Zen86 (Napoli) 0 - 4 (Villarreal) Red Pavan
TheGame (Liverpool) 2 - 1 (Porto) Eriku
TheGame (Juventus) 2 - 1 (Athletico Madrid) Big-Red
TheGame (Lazio) 1 - 7 (Juventus) ben_united
ben_united (Napoli) 2 - 1 (Napoli) Dan Nistelrooy
Dan Nistelrooy (Ivory Coast) 2 - 1 (Ivory Coast) TheGame
Dan Nistelrooy (Lyon) 1 - 0 (Napoli) Big-Red
Red Pavan (FC Porto) 0 - 0 (Roma) Big-Red
Red_Pavan (Dortmund) 2 - 1 (PSG) Dan_Nistelrooy
puNANI (Napoli) 1 - 0 (Benfica) Dan_Nistelrooy
ben_united (PSG) 3 - 1 (Marseille) Red Pavan
The Game (Tottenham) 0 - 3 (Juventus) Red Pavan
Big-Red (Porto) 1 - 3 (Borrusia Dortmund) puNANI
Red Pavan (Atletico Madrid) 1 - 1 (Juventus) puNANI
puNANI (Porto) 2 - 2 (Tottenham) Jacob
TheGame (Napoli) 0 - 3 (Liverpool) Jacob
Jacob (Belgium) 2 - 0 (Croatia) Eriku
puNANI (Belgium) 2 - 1 (Russia) Eriku
TheGame (Villarael) 2 - 0 (Porto) Zen86
Zen86 (Roma) 2 - 1 (Newcastle) Big-Red
Xander45 (Napoli) 2 - 0 (Spurs) Red_Pavan
TheGame (Malaga) 0 - 3 (Fiorentina) Xander45
Jacob (Santos) 3 - 0 (Juventus) Big-Red
Zen86 (Juventus) 2 - 3 (Dortmund) Jacob
Jacob (Juventus) 1 - 5 (Napoli) Red Pavan
DanNistelrooy (Uruguay) 1 - 2 (Ivory Coast) Jacob
Jacob (Napoli) 1 - 5 (Marseille) ben_united
DanNistelrooy (Marseille) 3 - 0 (Stoke) Big Red
Red Pavan (Ivory Coast) 5 - 3 (Belgium) Ben_United
puNANI (Liverpool) 4 - 0 (Benfica) Ben_United
puNANI (Lazio) 2 - 2 (Tottenham) Ben United
puNANI (Valencia) 2 - 0 (Marseille) Xander45
puNANI (PSG) 3 - 0 (Juventus) Xander45
Big-Red(Santos) 1 - 2 (PSG) Jacob
Big-Red (Villareal) 0 - 0 (B. Dortmund) Eriku
Eriku (Atletico Madrid) 1 - 0 (Malaga) Big-Red
Red_Pavan (PSG) 1 - 1 (Sevilla) Big-Red
The Game (Belgium) 1 - 4 (Roma) Red Pavan
Wayne_Rooney (CSKA) 3 - 1 (Sporting Lisbon) EdWeatherall

Wayne_Rooney (Juventus) 1 - 2 (B. Dortmund) Lynk
Lynk (Benfica) 0 - 0 EdWeatherall (Porto)
Lynk (Napoli) 2 - 1 (Ivory Coast) Urbanned

Urban (Napoli) 3 - 3 Levo91 (Ivory Coast)

Urban (Sevilla) 2 - 4 Wayne_Rooney (Liverpool)

Urbanned (Zenit) 3 - 2 Damien1990 (Liverpool)

Urban (B. Dortmund) 3 - 2 Hal9000 (Spurs)

Urban (Uruguay) 0 - 0 Vidic_in_Moscow (Porto)

Urban (CSKA) 3 - 2 Vuc (Lyon)

Urban (Porto) 2 - 6 Damien (Lyon)

Urban (Liverpool) 1 - 2 Wayne Rooney (Roma)

Urban (Spurs) 0 - 4 (Belgium) EdWeatherall

Urban (PSG) 3 - 0 StuCol (Uruguay)

Urban (Lyon) 2 - 1 StuCol (Marseille)

Urban (Belgium) 6 - 1 EdWetherall (Benfica)

Urban (Russia) 2 - 0 Levo91 (Chile)

Urban (Juventus) 1 - 0 Vuc (Russia)

Edit: Group A
Lynk (Juventus) 2 - 2 Levo91 (Tottenham)
Should probably post what Group you're in lads.
Group B

Dan Nistelrooy (Lyon) 1-0 Big-Red(Napoli)
Group B
Red Pavan (FC Porto) 0-0 Big-Red (Roma)
Why has the format of results suddenly changed...:p
Levo91 (Lyon) 3 - 2 (Belgium) Vidic_In_Moscow

Group A.

puNANI (Porto) 2 - 2 (Tottenham) Jacob

Edit: League B