Redcafe App


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
I think this would be a great idea and would make posting really convenient. Maybe the users can contribute somehow. My brother is a designer in case you want to use his services, but in general I think this could really be helpful no matter who does it. It's so easy to to post on twitter via an Iphone or HTC, it would be brilliant of it was that easy to post here as well.

So how unviable is this idea mods?
It's on my to-do list, you'll need to be patient though :)
It's on my to-do list, you'll need to be patient though :)


You do web based development, Niall?

Will be a awesome tool when it happens. It's quite tedious doing it on the phone as it is now. And in general I love browsing on the phone.
They'd still be scraping me off the roof after Rooney's goal if I had been there today! ;)
Niall, when you do make it happen, please don't forget those of us with Android system phones. Ta.
Niall, when you do make it happen, please don't forget those of us with Android system phones. Ta.

Good point. It would a travesty if this is made only for Iphone users :(
I don't really see the point in such an app to be honest, posting on here on the iPhone is perfectly fine using the browser. Turn the phone on its side and the forum fits perfectly to be readable and typing posts is perfectly simple. Even long posts are fine with the arrows to make the box bigger to type in and using two fingers to scroll the text up the box.

What's actually gained by having it in the form of an app?
I agree Geebs, although there was very little in the way of crashing after todays game so maybe something has already been done about that?
I agree Geebs, although there was very little in the way of crashing after todays game so maybe something has already been done about that?
Good shout, just realised that myself.