Recommend me some Wuxia TV series (Asian)

Wizard Keyaz

Caf's Confucious
Dec 24, 2003
I have watched the following

Tian Long Ba Bu
Tai Chi Master
Huo Yuan Jia

Can someone help me with a few later TV series in these sort of Genre, Thanks in advance!
Wuxia or just kungfu in general?

Huo Yuan Jia is not Wuxia as far as I know.

You can give The Legend of the Condor Heros and it's sequel a go if it's Wuxia you like.

If it's just kungfu, you could give Wing Chun (starring Nicholas Tse) a go, it's one of the better ones. Or you could just google Yuen Biao and give any shows he's related a go.
What is the name of the actor who plays Huo Yuan Jia and also his name is not Man Cheuk Chiu/Vincent Zhao Wen Zhuo which is listed on IMDB
There's several flagship wuxia series, and mostly just reproduced again and again every 5-10 years

1. Heaven sword and dragon sabre
2. Eagle shooting heroes / condor heroes
3. Return of the condor heroes
4. Demi god semi devil / tian long ba bu
5. Flying fox of snowy mountain
6. ROmance of the three kingdom (not actually wuxia)
7. Strange tales of Liaozhai

You won't go wrong starting from there

EDIT: for great wuxia flick but non serial

1. Swordsman 2 and 1 (2 is >>>> than 1)
2. Chinese ghost story 1-3 (fantasy fu)
3. Magic Cop (contemporary mystic wuxia -> recommended)
4. Kungfu Master (Once upon a time in China) 1-3 , skip the rest
There's several flagship wuxia series, and mostly just reproduced again and again every 5-10 years

1. Heaven sword and dragon sabre
2. Eagle shooting heroes / condor heroes
3. Return of the condor heroes
4. Demi god semi devil / tian long ba bu
5. Flying fox of snowy mountain
6. ROmance of the three kingdom (not actually wuxia)
7. Strange tales of Liaozhai

You won't go wrong starting from there

EDIT: for great wuxia flick but non serial

1. Swordsman 2 and 1 (2 is >>>> than 1)
2. Chinese ghost story 1-3 (fantasy fu)
3. Magic Cop (contemporary mystic wuxia -> recommended)
4. Kungfu Master (Once upon a time in China) 1-3 , skip the rest

Do you know if there is a place I can download these on RS inc SRT files
Do you know if there is a place I can download these on RS inc SRT files

Honestly I don't know RS / SRT

But there's retailer in my country (perhaps yours as well) who can bundle 1 season in 1 dvd (divx/avi) with good english subs for a measly cost of 1 quid / DVD.

Sending it to UK would be another problem though.

As for the flick you can just find it floating around, it's quite popular among the asian film lovers.
The only problem to Hou Yuan Jia, was the fact that we all know more or less how it will end and everytime I watch a movie about this famous legend I wish there was an alternate ending.

But one thing I have noticed is that the good guys suffer a hell of a lot compared to the bad guys.

I really liked Tian Long Ba Bu anything similar to this too?
The only problem to Hou Yuan Jia, was the fact that we all know more or less how it will end and everytime I watch a movie about this famous legend I wish there was an alternate ending.

But one thing I have noticed is that the good guys suffer a hell of a lot compared to the bad guys.

I really liked Tian Long Ba Bu anything similar to this too?

It's the typical Chinese view on hero, more like the rag to riches route.

Tian Long Ba Bu, which aspect do you like? the complexity of the story? or the fantasy fu? or?

May I suggest something abit different, but I thoroughly enjoy :

My date with a vampire - Magic Fu set in alternate universe where vampire, ghouls, ghost, etc roams the earth, and 2 lovers saving the world from obliviion
It's the typical Chinese view on hero, more like the rag to riches route.

Tian Long Ba Bu, which aspect do you like? the complexity of the story? or the fantasy fu? or?

May I suggest something abit different, but I thoroughly enjoy :

My date with a vampire - Magic Fu set in alternate universe where vampire, ghouls, ghost, etc roams the earth, and 2 lovers saving the world from obliviion

It has to be Fantasy Fu for me, I will give it a shot as you are recommended it only if I can get RS or FS links for it
It has to be Fantasy Fu for me, I will give it a shot as you are recommended it only if I can get RS or FS links for it

THe date with a vampire is 1-3 , i mean 3 season. That one can be quite hard to get since i myself haven't got it till now, one with good sub.

As for the single flick, you can google them, it's exactly as i type it.

Have fun