Recommend me a TV show

Randall Flagg

Worst of the best
May 23, 2009
I have watched entirely or am up to date with all of the following

The Wire
The Sopranos
The Shield
Breaking Bad
Six Feet Under
True Blood
Battlestar Galactica
Boardwalk Empire

Not a big comedy/sitcom fan have tried the likes of Entourage which I really didn’t enjoy at all

So any suggestions?
I tried Treme and have seen the first 4 eps a few months ago. But it didnt really float my boat. I may try again

West Wing is something I have never considered (for no apparent reason)

Sell the show to me Nick.

Rome also never really considered that either. Is that not a mini series? that the one with all the tits etc...

I have watched bits before. Does it have a storyline too?
Light's Out isn't bad. Its a show about a (former) boxer who's having a fair bit of financial difficulties.

It's watchable and fairly entertaining/

Gone to shit though.

Here here, one of the greatest things I've watched on TV. Especially the 1st season. Shame they had to cut it short due to the cost of it. that the one with all the tits etc...

I have watched bits before. Does it have a storyline too?

Spartacus is great fun. The first few episodes are pure shit (ignoring all the tits) but it gets fantastic then, the storyline just comes together and it flows so well. Love it.
I know you said you don't like comedies, but check out Bored to Death and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Both have enough depth to them that they aren't your typical comedies.

Also Band of Brothers, maybe The Pacific as well but I've only seen the first couple episodes and wasn't sure it lived up to the hype.
Good shout, how has this not been mentioned?

Best TV show since The Wire and The Sopranos, for me. (Yes, even better than Breaking Bad!)

The Shield is right up there for me too. Possibly the best series finale out of any show I have seen

Shocking and tragic
Sons of Anarchy is quite good. Only watched it in spurts though, 2-3 episodes here or there. It would have been much better as an HBO show, but for basic cable drama/action/whatever its pretty good.
I've just been rewatching Wire and Shiled countless times over the last year. Not sure how sad that is.
The Simpsons is quite good. Specially the early stuff.
This Family Guy show is also getting rave reviews.
Never heard of I Claudius

As for the Simpsons, that goes without saying, although I havent liked it for aboout 10 years now

Family guy is okish
Never heard of I Claudius

As for the Simpsons, that goes without saying, although I havent liked it for aboout 10 years now

Family guy is okish,_Claudius_(TV_series)

Think "Rome" but better actors and more depth, although to be fair Rome was pretty good. Also if you've seen Rome where it ends is where I Claudius picks up from (Octavian is Augustus- Brian Blessed).