I love an epic series, here is a list of some I have enjoyed to give you an idea -
Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy
The Dark Tower
Lord of the Rings
Sprawl series
I've been meaning to read Foundation, whats it like?
Dark Tower was good, but there was one out of the seven that i just couldn't get into. I think it was Wizard and Glass with the whole flashback into his childhood thing. I just wanted to get back to chasing the man in black.
The Belgarion is a good series, if you like an easy to read and relaxing book series. It's fantasy of the LoTR mould, just doesn't have many elves as I can recall.
The first two Rendevous with Rama books.
Or get some collections of Philip K Dick short stories, one of the best sci-fi writers ever. So far ahead of his time he died in the 80's living in poverty, yet since then has had more books adpated into films than any other sci-fi writers.
I've been meaning to read Foundation, whats it like?
But Hitchhikers guide series is fantastic, enjoyed The Dark Tower but haven't read it in years. Must give it another go. They've brought out a Graphic Novel series based on it, haven't read it just seen some of the artwork. Looks pretty cool.
I've read all of these except for the Sprawl series. I can recommend a fair few that are classics, I've got them on my to-read list, Can't wait to get started -
1. A song of Ice and Fire - GRR Martin
2. Hyperion/Endymion Series - Dan Simmons
4. Book of the New Sun - Gene Wolfe
The Night Watch (followed by the Day Watch, Twilight Watch and Final Watch) by Sergei Lukyanenko.
I can't be bothered to write a review, but it's really good. Here's what amazon.co.uk says:
Walking the streets of Moscow, indistinguishable from the rest of its population, are The Other. Possessors of supernatural powers and capable of entering the Twilight, a shadowy world that exists in parallel to our own, each owes allegiance either to The Dark or The Light. The two factions, having long before realise that an open struggle can only create chaos and disaster, coexist in an uneasy truce, each side aware of, and keeping a close eye on, the other's activities around the city. Despite their leanings towards good and evil, their aim is not mutual destruction, but rather the maintenance of the precarious balance between the two.
I've read all of these except for the Sprawl series. I can recommend a fair few that are classics, I've got them on my to-read list, Can't wait to get started -
1. A song of Ice and Fire - GRR Martin
2. Hyperion/Endymion Series - Dan Simmons
3. Illium/Olympos - Dan Simmons --> I've read this, its very heavy reading. Re-telling of the battle of Troy and the story of Odyssius from a sci-fi perspective. Very rewarding !!
4. Book of the New Sun - Gene Wolfe
David Gemmel's Troy series was fantastic. RIP.
I've just got elvis to pick up some David Gemmell books![]()
BSG that is all
Good recommendations, though you possibly shouldn't read my Song of Ice and Fire book review I posed earlier!
fecking hated that one.
felt like wading through molasses at times, and it became pretty formulaic: drag the plot along until right before the end of the chapter, then speed things up to a climax before ending the chapter on a mini-cliff-hanger; switch to another milieu; rinse and repeat. arrrggghh!
loved his Hyperion/Endymion novels, though.
read Ender's Game. great book, that one.
i struggle to find good sci fi nowadays. fantasy doesn't do anything for me.
I once read a good fantasy book but I can't remember the name of it. There were dragons in it and it was very similiar to Eragon. I think the main character was the son of a mayor who travelled to the other side of this divided world in search of something. I really want to remember the name of it.
Malazan Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson.
Brilliant epic stuff.
I was going to recommend the Wheel of Time series as well. Best fantasy books I've read so far.The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan (James Oliver Rigney Jr. is his real name) is the best I've ever read. You have to be fond of vast plot-lines, vivid descriptions and lots of characters. There are currently 11 books out (all very big), with 3 more on the way. Those 3 (which was originally one, until they decided it would be a million words) will be finished by the author Brandon Sanderson, after Robert Jordan died 2 years ago. He'll have to write a lot of it himself, but of course all the big things are set in stone, including the ending, which was actually finished by Robert Jordan before he died. There's also apparently a huge collection of notes and world-building facts.
Again, best thing I've ever read. Good time to start now too, since you'll have the time to read all the books and see the end of it within 3 years (the last three books will be released this november, next november and the one after that). As opposed to the rest of us, who've had to wait a long time, some of it in uncertainty whether or not it will actually ever be finished (with his death and all).
Do these need to be read in order?
Malazan Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson.
Brilliant epic stuff.
Do these need to be read in order?
Read the thread first numbnuts.
I'd also like to suggest A Song of Ice and Fire, it's one of the best book series I've ever read.
Why, spoilers ?
I've had all the ASOIAF books bought and on my shelf for the past year and a half but for some reason I keep reading something else when I'm done with the current book. It's almost like I didn't want to ruin the experience because of having to break away in the middle because of exams or work. Now that I'm done with my masters exams, I think I'm finally going to delve into this.
Good recommendations, though you possibly shouldn't read my Song of Ice and Fire book review I posed earlier!
Stargate SG-1 & Atlantis.
you can whip me if you dont like it.