Recommend me a book. (Please)


Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days
I haven't read a book in years. Literally a decade or so if we don't class Harry Potter as books (I'm not sure why we wouldn't but lets do it anyway).

So can anyone recommend me a good read? I was a bit of a bookworm as a kid and used to love a good mystery and still love films with a bit of a mystery and twist in them. I used to read a set of books called Mystery Kids and they basically always found themselves around something happening and got to the bottom of it.

Now obviously at the age of 25 I don't really want to go back and read the series again but if anyone knows any similar sort of series, but adult reads, I'd be interested.

I'd rather something modern so I'm "inb4" Sherlock Holmes....

Failing that specification, what's a good read in general?
Try the classic noirs by Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler, 'Red Harvest' and 'The Big Sleep' for starters. You can watch them on film then which is a fun contrast. Ross Macdonald is pretty good too, catch 'The Drowning Pool' with Paul Newman after the book.
Dresden Files by Jim Butcher is pretty entertaining. It's a fantasy series that isn't particularly amazing in terms of writing, but it's good.
Could start with something short like Kafka's The Metamorphosis.

There's an Iceland author that has sold loads and loads of books over Europe. He's called Arnaldur Indriðason (Indridason alt. spelling). I don't know how his books translate but he has a series of Icelandic murder mysteries. He's won Crime book awards and the books have been translated into 20 languages. Most mean something. I've read 2 of his book and thought they were alright but I'm generally not a fan of this genre.
The Game of Thrones books are excellent. The book series is called A Song of Fire and Ice, first book is called A Game of Thrones. 5 books so far, read the first four. Great reads, if you like fantasy. There's also the series on HBO you can watch which is amazing as well.