Recommend a game to me


Full Member
Aug 14, 2004
I haven´t followed videogames at all for years, I just play PES and FM and that´s all, but recently a friend gave me a copy of a game called Rulers of Nations and I found it quite interesting.

I want to try similar games but I have no idea what kind of games are out there.

Any sugestions and/or links to reviews of similar games would be much appreciated.
Has anyone mentioned skyrim?
I had to google that... meh

I only play COD3. If I give in and buy some of the Modern Warfare games I'll be divorced within 6 months.
Skyrim, easily.

Always had a soft spot for the Assassin's Creed series, after the first one.

But yeah... Skyrim.
Skyrim, I was skeptic about it at first as well as I am not really into dragons and magic but it has consumed me fully since I got it.
Skyrim, I was skeptic about it at first as well as I am not really into dragons and magic but it has consumed me fully since I got it.

This is pretty much why I won't be getting Skyrim.

I'm just not geek enough for all that fantasy and magic and shite.