Rapper Rhymes detained at airport


Grumpy Old Git
Apr 7, 2006
Mrs Slocombe's Pussy
Rapper Rhymes detained at airport

Rhymes is known for hits including Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See
Rapper Busta Rhymes has been detained at London's City Airport after being refused entry to the UK because of "unresolved convictions" in the US.

The star arrived on Thursday morning to perform at a charity gig on Friday.
Immigration officials tried to put him on an immediate flight out of the country to Amsterdam but Rhymes' lawyer secured an injunction preventing this.

The 36-year-old is now being held while officials debate whether to let him enter the UK, the gig's organiser said.

Rhymes is due to play at RockCorp, a concert to be attended by a full house of 5,000 music fans at the Royal Albert Hall in London.

Each fan has obtained their ticket by spending four hours volunteering in community projects.

Didn't he also witness his bodyguard being gunned down, but refused to speak to the police.