6 days after the infinitely confusing change in package structure Rapidshare headlines there website with 'RapidShare listens and acts: One package for all users'...
It's quite funny, but a testament to the power of negative feedback. I guess every forum littered with comments about how they were going to cancel their accounts scared RapidShare into an immediate change. I wonder how long this one will last?
To anyone that cares. As of the 1st of July Rapidshare changed it's structure, the original set up was you paid for a certain amount of months, and was limited to 5GB a day with a maximum daily rollover of up to 25GB for bandwidth not used. The new structure however was based around the purchase of 'rapids', with a tier structure as follows:
400 rapids = 4.99
2000 rapids = 19.99
You could then switch your package daily depending on how much traffic you wished to use, for example...
1GB = Used 4 rapids a day
5GB = Used 20 rapids a day
Bit confused? Well it's not to difficult to understand. But difficult enough that the internet stood up and gave a big middle finger to rapidshare.
So now... It's a simple one package. RapidPro, which keeps the same costs for rapids, and drains 99 a month for 30gb of download bandwidth... any extra must be purchased as so -
Additional storage: Additional traffic:
1 GB = 2 Rapids/month 5 GB = 14 Rapids
To be honest - It's all a bit of a feck up, some ploy to appear to be in the customers best interests but to actually make more money for rapidshare. It's really backfired... I wonder how long it till be before a new system comes out?
It's quite funny, but a testament to the power of negative feedback. I guess every forum littered with comments about how they were going to cancel their accounts scared RapidShare into an immediate change. I wonder how long this one will last?
To anyone that cares. As of the 1st of July Rapidshare changed it's structure, the original set up was you paid for a certain amount of months, and was limited to 5GB a day with a maximum daily rollover of up to 25GB for bandwidth not used. The new structure however was based around the purchase of 'rapids', with a tier structure as follows:
400 rapids = 4.99
2000 rapids = 19.99
You could then switch your package daily depending on how much traffic you wished to use, for example...
1GB = Used 4 rapids a day
5GB = Used 20 rapids a day
Bit confused? Well it's not to difficult to understand. But difficult enough that the internet stood up and gave a big middle finger to rapidshare.
So now... It's a simple one package. RapidPro, which keeps the same costs for rapids, and drains 99 a month for 30gb of download bandwidth... any extra must be purchased as so -
Additional storage: Additional traffic:
1 GB = 2 Rapids/month 5 GB = 14 Rapids
To be honest - It's all a bit of a feck up, some ploy to appear to be in the customers best interests but to actually make more money for rapidshare. It's really backfired... I wonder how long it till be before a new system comes out?