Rainbow Six Vegas 2


Aug 7, 2007
Lake Jonathan Creek
Anybody getting it? Thought the first was brilliant, particularly multiplayer, can't wait for the new one. Scheduled for release on PS3, 360 & PC on 20/03/08




I'll be getting it, loved the first one. Library co-op terrorist hunt on high density... fun.
After playing the first one round my cousins, I've just literally in the last half an hour bought the first one, I can't wait to start playing!
Yeah I'll be getting it, I've been playing the R6 games since the 1st one on the PC came out.
The Rogue Spear games were the best but the Vegas game is the best since.
When is it out?
wow, those graphics are great. I liked the 1st one. Love to get this one but the problem is the wifey doesn't like these and the kids are too young for it. had them watch me playing the 1st one and they were getting too much into it. "shoot 'em, Daddy, shoot em". :nervous:
wow, those graphics are great. I liked the 1st one. Love to get this one but the problem is the wifey doesn't like these and the kids are too young for it. had them watch me playing the 1st one and they were getting too much into it. "shoot 'em, Daddy, shoot em". :nervous:

You're the man of the house, put your wife into place!
1st one was best multiplayer on the 360 until COD4. Hoping this one does even better. Hopefully have a decent couple of maps where you can snipe. The only ones you could sniper on was really the dam. Rest of the time I used the M6 and a 6x scope.
Better have a decent single player campaign though.

I enjoyed the single player campaign myself. Not the best one there has ever been but still enjoyable.

Multiplayer was just something else though. Loved it! 47 kills and 11 deaths was my best game. Just kicked ass that night!
Not long to go now, we'll have to set up a RedCafe League or something, or alternatively I can just kick each of your asses individually, whichever you prefer.
Only had my 360 for about 2 weeks:

I picked up Rainbow Six Vegas dirt cheap yesterday and think it's brilliant, SP mode that is. With RSV2 having been out a while now i imagine the MP on the first one will be none-existent.

How would you guys rate RSV2 for both SP and MP?
Only had my 360 for about 2 weeks:

I picked up Rainbow Six Vegas dirt cheap yesterday and think it's brilliant, SP mode that is. With RSV2 having been out a while now i imagine the MP on the first one will be none-existent.

How would you guys rate RSV2 for both SP and MP?

I Loved this game mate, absolutely loved it - best tactical shooter available - think I've got 1000/1000 points on it too.

Single player 8/10 - although done through co-op 9/10
Multiplayer 10/10

Most of my pals didn't like this, which probably made me like it that little bit more. I've not played it for ages.
I Loved this game mate, absolutely loved it - best tactical shooter available - think I've got 1000/1000 points on it too.

Cool. I prefer it to CoD4 because i'm not a huge fan of FPS's on consoles but when it comes to Rainbow Six, with it being so tactical, the limitations of the joy pad don't matter so much.

I've not played it for ages.

Rather than letting it sit there gathering dust sell it to me for a fiver!! :D
Cool. I prefer it to CoD4 because i'm not a huge fan of FPS's on consoles but when it comes to Rainbow Six, with it being so tactical, the limitations of the joy pad don't matter so much.

Rather than letting it sit there gathering dust sell it to me for a fiver!! :D

You cant run & gun as much as you can on CoD4, dont get me wrong that is a good game, but endless running at each other until someone dies isn't for me.

Oh and as much as I'd like to be a good samaritan & sell you this game, I'm saving this for a rainy day, I will be back on it, just when I can find a spare 20 hours per week on a regular basis again.
wow, those graphics are great. I liked the 1st one. Love to get this one but the problem is the wifey doesn't like these and the kids are too young for it. had them watch me playing the 1st one and they were getting too much into it. "shoot 'em, Daddy, shoot em". :nervous:


I have the first one it is really good but fecking difficult at times.

Loved Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, will likely pick up RSV2 soon.

I have the first one it is really good but fecking difficult at times.

Loved Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, will likely pick up RSV2 soon.

Yeh i started it on the hardest difficulty setting and i'm starting to think i made a mistake!!
How long is the single player mode? as I cannot play online! I am on the PC just BTW...
Just traded in some of my old PS2 games and got this for the 360.

The co-op play is quality