Rage (360/PS3/PC)

Plan M

New Member
Aug 6, 2008
★ ★ ★
It's published by Bethseda (the company behind the Fallout and Elder Scrolls games). Anyone know if it's supposed to be any good?

Apprantly it's released in Europe on October 7th (this Friday).

I think it will be tasty. It looks a lot like Borderlands.
I played through the entire game, and DLC, in SP mode. Enjoyed it.
Had my eye on this.

Wutcha talkin bout Willis? Borderlands was awesome. Did you play it in co-op? That's what it was made for. I still haven't played the zombie dlc that I bought though.
It's pandemonium on all gaming forums atm, seems like the Rage PC version got some kind of texture bug.

Also reviews seem bad.

"RAGE isn't what you think it is.

In fact, it's easiest to tell you what RAGE isn't right away. It's nothing like Fallout 3. It's nothing like Borderlands. It's not an RPG, though Id and Bethesda have used RPG terminology in describing it. It's not much of an open world. It's not very big. It's not very long."

RAGE review: Anger management | Joystiq
As I've said before, it's an Id game. Anyone expecting anything other than a fantastic looking but pedestrian game really don't know what they are on about. The publisher's name also made people put two and two together to get five thousand and three.

However, the game will most likely come alive when the modders get to grips with it.
Finally got it playable on PC, still the odd texture prob but I can cope with that. Played a hour or two and I get a Fallout 3 feeling when walking around. No leveling though but it seems like a decent game so far. Gotta get that buggy running so I can drive around hehe.

*Fixed the texture problem, played a few hours now it gets better and more open as you progress. Love the car racing:D

** Played a lot now, some of the weapons are awesome. Really like this game.
Just started this last night. The graphics blew me away. I can't believe how good it looks.
Have had this sitting on the shelf for a few months and decided I was going to take a break from Skyrim for a while.

A shame that it's been buried under the gaming onslaught of the past few months - an excellent shooter with superb graphics. The forced races to upgrade your vehicle are annoying and kill the momentum slightly and the missions could be more varied but it's a good contrast to the behemoth that is Skyrim. Can be picked up preowned for £8 in GAME/Gamestation at the minute - recommended.
I bought this last week for the Xbox my missus got me for Christmas. I'm amazed, it's a beautiful, intense and terrifying game.
The ending sucks ass. Other than that, good game.

I just completed it after about 14hrs on Hard difficulty. This was my first game on the Xbox and it took me a while to get used to the controls (I'm used to keyboard and mouse which imo are far superior for this type of game). I'm really disappointed, I didn't even know I was near to the end when it finished; it was too easy even on Hard and with my novice joypad controls, I strolled through the final level with the help of a couple of machine-gun drones, the pulse weapon you get just before the last level is mega-powerful. I only did a couple of the races in the game as they seemed amateurish and unenjoyable; I never even needed the vehicle upgrades as the cars you meet in the Weastelands can be outrun and ignored without much trouble.

On the whole though I enjoyed almost all of the shooting levels; they were intense and scary, wholly linear but with enough variation to keep things interesting; the weapons all felt really tangible and satisfactory. I found the AI pretty easy to figure out after a while which was what probably made the game so easy - the mutants were feckers but the apparently intelligent enemies were easy to dispatch with the sniper-rifle or through generous use of grenades; I found this disconcerting since the AI was something which was praised in reviews; if this is supposedly an example of well written XBox AI then I don't hold out much hope for the games which it is supposed to be surpassing.

My next game is LA Noire which I'm gonna start after the Wolves Brum match, then I've got Deus Ex (which if it's half as good as the PC original should be pretty cool), then onto Fallout 3.

Loving having an Xbox, my gf is amazing for buying it for me :D
I was the same. I knew I was getting close to the end, then boom, done. Not even a boss fight. Very disappointing.

LA Noire is an odd one. I really enjoyed it at first, but felt it descended into monotonous repetition. I didn't even bother finishing it.

Now, Deus Ex, on the other hand, I thought was brilliant. Although I never played the original, so I can't compare.

Fallout 3 is superb.
I've read that the way to play LA Noire is to turn off all the hint systems that're checked on by default, only then do you get the real challenging and absorbing experience that the game was designed to be. The hints leading you to clues and evidence whilst searching the crime scenes I'm talking about; play it without any of those and it stays fresh and maintains its realism.

Did you play that way?

The original Deus Ex was groundbreaking; it along with System Shock 2 revolutionised the RPG FPS genre. To my mind Deus Ex and a brilliant game called Thief were the first FPS games to introduce stealth tactics to the genre, whilst Deus made healthy use of the stats upgrade systems pioneered in System Shock 1 and the original Fallout. I don't think Deus Ex sold many copies, bit it was certainly one of the most influential PC games of the late 90's; probably only Half Life and Unreal Tournament had more impact than it and the similarly impressive System Shock 2.
I've read that the way to play LA Noire is to turn off all the hint systems that're checked on by default, only then do you get the real challenging and absorbing experience that the game was designed to be. The hints leading you to clues and evidence whilst searching the crime scenes I'm talking about; play it without any of those and it stays fresh and maintains its realism.

Did you play that way?

Yeah. It's more the format of the game. I don't want to ruin it for you, so I won't go into anymore detail. Better you make your own mind up on it.
The A.I in Rage is a weird one. It is clever, however too easy to get around thus making the game easier than it should be.

Deus Ex isn't hard either, it's impressived at first but by the end you'll realise it's closer to the second than the first (though still decent).

Fallout 3 can be both jaw droppingly brilliant and utterly predictable and boring at the same time. Still good though. Obviously both these games are better on PC, but since you are slumming it on a console they are still decent choices.