Quote format


Full Member
Sep 4, 2017
I quite often quote people then change my mind about responding to them.

Previously I would hold the backspace button and it would delete any reply I had written at a moderate pace but once it had it would delete the quoted text instantly. Now it is deleting the quoted text character by character.

Is this set in stone with the update?
A workaround is to hold your thumb down for a second, hit 'select all', then hit backspace.

I do that and I'm not sure what the differential is but sometimes it does the trick then sometimes it deletes the text from the quote box but the box remains with nothing in it then I can't delete it unless I refresh the page.
How do I get rid of the quote tags when replying?

Usually when updating tables in Draft forum, we just quote, delete the quote tags and update the table....which I can't figure out if can be done now.
Above the reply field, click on the three dots next to the back arrow, and then on the square brackets. That gives you full formatting with all the tags, so you can remove the quote tags.
I notice this breaks down the entire table into code too!

I suppose you could turn it on to remove the quote tags and then turn it off again to edit the table? Not ideal I guess, but if that works, it'd just be a minor inconvenience I'd say. Otherwise you'll have to take it up with the boss, but if might just be a XenForo feature.