Quick ... need some TV help


Soldier of Fortune
Jun 11, 2004
A electronics store (Circuit City) just opened in my neighborhood and they are having a lot of sales this weekend. We were not looking for a new TV, but now we are because they have a lot of decent ones on the cheap.

LCD or Plasma? I'm going for 46-52 inches ... I will be playing 360/PS3 on it quite a bit, as well as watching a shitload of movies.

I've haven't been up to date with the Plasma burn in issues of late, so do they still have this issue? Can you really tell the difference between the two nowadays? Which handles black the best?

I still think its LCD for movies and plasma for sport depending on which you're most interested in. Plasma does black the best.
A electronics store (Circuit City) just opened in my neighborhood and they are having a lot of sales this weekend. We were not looking for a new TV, but now we are because they have a lot of decent ones on the cheap.

LCD or Plasma? I'm going for 46-52 inches ... I will be playing 360/PS3 on it quite a bit, as well as watching a shitload of movies.

I've haven't been up to date with the Plasma burn in issues of late, so do they still have this issue? Can you really tell the difference between the two nowadays? Which handles black the best?


It depends on the price you are being offered. I would opt for LCD if the price point is similar.
If you're gaming alot on it then LCD really is the only option. It isnt recommended that you spend long sessions on a Plasma since their lamps tend to burn out alot quicker.
Also don't leave the same image for londg periods on an LCD screen otherwise it can become permenant.

But I would opt for LCD over Plasma.