PSP Games


I exist
Nov 18, 2003
Right just got a psp and im wondering what games to get. I have Pro Evo 2008 and Football manager. I am a man of many tastes and arent that many games genres i dont like. But favourites are all out action, shooting, fighting, RPG and sports. What shall i buy?
FF Tactics.

Crisis Core is also being released on the 20th June, so that will be worth getting. Metal Gear Portable Ops is also worth buying.
Socom Navy Seals fire team bravo is good online and wirelessly with friends..
I'd also advise you to Stick CFW (custom Firmware) on it aswell, and get yourself an 8g memory stick.
Chains of Olympus
Crisis Core
Echocrome - will keep you entertained for hours
Rachet & Clank

Nice selection of genres there.

Sounds good. Cheers Weaste and every one else. Heard a lot about this Patapon game but im not sure if it will just annoy me rather than entertain me and God of War was brilliant on the PS2. Echochrome? Never heard of that.
Crisis core is quite poor in my opinion. The older games like Ratchet and Clank, Daxter and Ridge Racer are great. Burnout's not bad, God Of War and Patapon are must haves. Puzzlequest's really addictive, Disgaea is a really cute RPG, Hot Shots Golf's great even though like me, you don't play or watch any golf. Echochrome's an interesting game but may bore you quickly.
I have the most recent firmare but it was official. Its downloaded form sony does this mean i need to change my firmware to something else before trying to play?

Obviously the firmware I'm talking about is an unofficial one (M33 team for me)
Burnout is really good on the PSP. I've burnout dominator and i've spent lots of time playing it.
I'd rather play Pro Evo on the PSP its just personal choice. I don't think that the PSP version of FIFA08 was even near what the gameplay is like on the PS3 or Xbox360.