PSP 2 coming soon; iPhone, DS destroyed?

tyrone red

Full Member
Jun 19, 2006


The next iteration of Sony’s PSP handheld will feature a sliding screen, will no longer carry a UMD drive and will allow shoulder button-only games to be played when the screen is in its ‘closed’ position.

That’s according to a development source close to Sony, speaking to Eurogamer on condition of anonymity. We first broke the news of a new update to the system late last year, revealing that PSP-4000, the third incremental hardware revision of the console, is planned for release later this year.

While Sony has refused to comment so far, further rumours have emerged in the past week claiming that 4000 will represent the first major overhaul of the system, with a sliding screen added and the UMD drive removed.

Our development source today confirmed these reports, adding: “The screen is basically the same as the one in the 3000 - except it slides.” When ‘closed’, we were told, the screen won’t cover the entire face of the console, but the unit will be “significantly smaller in width” as a result.

With the console in its ‘closed’ state, most controls will be inaccessible. However, our source claims that games which use the shoulder buttons exclusively - such as LocoRoco - will be playable, as these inputs will still be accessible. It’s expected that the unit can also be used for media playback in this configuration.

Eurogamer further understands Sony is approaching developers for ideas for games that only require the shoulder buttons.

Sony said this afternoon it does not comment on rumour or speculation.

Well the DS and iPhone had a good run but it looks like, with this iteration of PSP, Sony will deal a crushing blow to both platforms. Stay tuned to SDF for further developments.

I reckon its going to take a lot more to knock the iPhone off, many have tried and none have done it
Looks pretty swift but I'll stick to my iPhone and DS thanks.

My PSP hasn't been touched in months. I've neglected it both with games and sexually.
Why the comparison with iPhone? Touch screen gaming is plain awful on the iphone. It's good for card games and the likes but that's it.
Why the comparison with iPhone? Touch screen gaming is plain awful on the iphone. It's good for card games and the likes but that's it.

But still the iPhone has got to have some of the best graphics i have seen on a handheld device - sorry i mean 'potential to have', although i've seen a few games on the iPhone which has had some brilliant graphs (dare i say similar to the PSP1)
I don't get how it thinks it can beat the iPhone. For one, the iPhone is the best portable device I've ever owned by a country mile, and I never get tired of it or its great apps.
The main difference though, is that you can get great, really fun games for the iPhone for between 79c and 3euro, they'll cost about 50 quid on this (obviously they'll be better)

I'm happy with my iPhone thanks!