PS3 & its games


Full Member
Jun 25, 2003
There is no spoon.
Since i got my PS3 the other day all ive done is play Fifa. I've also got Tiger Woods 08, Virtua Tennis, Heavenly Sword, and some Ninja thing and so far they haven't interested me one bit, whats going on? I played one hole on Tiger Woods and thought this is shit, it's just a repeat of the shit they were selling 4 years ago. Heavenly sword lasted all of 20 seconds and as for Tennis im yet to try it as i can't pull myself away from Fifa.

Anyone else finding they are overly addicted to Fifa or think most of the other titles are wank? One game which could break the addiction to fifa could be Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, here's hoping it doesn't turn out shit as well :)
Since i got my PS3 the other day all ive done is play Fifa. I've also got Tiger Woods 08, Virtua Tennis, Heavenly Sword, and some Ninja thing and so far they haven't interested me one bit, whats going on? I played one hole on Tiger Woods and thought this is shit, it's just a repeat of the shit they were selling 4 years ago. Heavenly sword lasted all of 20 seconds and as for Tennis im yet to try it as i can't pull myself away from Fifa.

Anyone else finding they are overly addicted to Fifa or think most of the other titles are wank? One game which could break the addiction to fifa could be Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, here's hoping it doesn't turn out shit as well :)

wait a while n you won't want to put your controller down; MGS4, KILLZONE 2, TEKKEN 6 AND DMC 4 are just a few of the exclusives coming out that I can remember off the top of my head and not to mention the multiplatforms with the likes of gta4!:D:D

One game which could break the addiction to fifa could be Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, here's hoping it doesn't turn out shit as well :)

Uncharted is the real deal, can't stop playing the demo. I like Heavenly Sword a lot. Resistance is quality. You won't find a much better arcade racer than Motorstorm. Warhawk is quite wonderful. Rachet & Clank is fecking brilliant. COD4 I've played, but do not have, but it's also quite brilliant.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to taste doesn't it? I for example have no interest whatsoever in sports simulations, they bore me to tears, so FIFA, Virtua Tennis, Tiger Woods Golf etc. would not go within a mile of my PS3.
wait a while n you won't want to put your controller down; MGS4, KILLZONE 2, TEKKEN 6 AND DMC 4 are just a few of the exclusives coming out that I can remember off the top of my head and not to mention the multiplatforms with the likes of gta4!:D:D


You forgot the daddy - GT5.

I'm going to try and create a Japanese account today to get the demo of the Prologue.
I'm thinking of getting Ratchet and Clanck for my son. Suitable for a 9 year old Weaste?
Download the demo Wibble, you can have a look at it yourself. If it's not on the Australian PS Store yet (it should be) then create a new user an use a UK address. You will then then be able to get it from the UK store.
Excellent. He will probably get the Simpsons game which is getting rave reviews for his age bracket and he is in love with the Transformers game he has. Great graphics, hard enough to last a while but not to difficult for a 9 year old and the violence is very comic book in style.

I just can't wait until my Blueray verison of the new Blade Runner Final Cut arrives just before or just after Christmas.
Download the demo Wibble, you can have a look at it yourself. If it's not on the Australian PS Store yet (it should be) then create a new user an use a UK address. You will then then be able to get it from the UK store.

I might do that. I'll gave to get around to connecting to the internet but that can't be too difficult given that it is a room with a 4 channel wireless modem/router.
It could be the NAT level. When you do a net connection test, does it say that you NAT level is 3?

If so, you need to either fanny around with port forwarding or do what I have done, and stick the PS3 as the DMZ machine.
At the moment I've only got Fifa, but I've asked for COD 4, Stranglehold and Kane and Lynch for Christmas, I also can't wait for GTA to come out.
If it is a NAT problem, then it depends on the router. I set my PS3 to a static IP address that the router would never use over DHCP -, and then set this as the IP of the DMZ in the router.

wait a while n you won't want to put your controller down; MGS4, KILLZONE 2, TEKKEN 6 AND DMC 4 are just a few of the exclusives coming out that I can remember off the top of my head and not to mention the multiplatforms with the likes of gta4!:D:D


Might be wrong but i think Devil May Cry 4 is multi platform.
wait a while n you won't want to put your controller down; MGS4, KILLZONE 2, TEKKEN 6 AND DMC 4 are just a few of the exclusives coming out that I can remember off the top of my head and not to mention the multiplatforms with the likes of gta4!:D:D


I'm looking forward to getting my hands on Resident Evil, GTA4 and MGS4, i guess Tekken will be a laugh as well :)
Uncharted is the real deal, can't stop playing the demo. I like Heavenly Sword a lot. Resistance is quality. You won't find a much better arcade racer than Motorstorm. Warhawk is quite wonderful. Rachet & Clank is fecking brilliant. COD4 I've played, but do not have, but it's also quite brilliant.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to taste doesn't it? I for example have no interest whatsoever in sports simulations, they bore me to tears, so FIFA, Virtua Tennis, Tiger Woods Golf etc. would not go within a mile of my PS3.

I am going to figure out how to download demos tonight when i get home and give it ago, only problem is i am on virgin cable and they traffic shape us after 4pm so i get like 100k a second rather than 2mb, how big is the demo to download?
Uncharted is the real deal

I finally downloaded it last night, took the best part of 9 hours on my 20mb virgin cable service (speed test shows i get 0.7mb during the evening due to traffic shaping, cnuts), anyway come 12.30 it was done and wow, it was worth the wait. The graphics/scenery/world are ace and the gameplay is really nice and smooth, i was very impressed. I will definitly be buying this at the end of the week when its released!