PS3 help


Full Member
Jan 5, 2007
home of J.O.S.
Had my ps3 stolen today. Might be able to track it down but i need the serial numberto have any hope. I still have the box but it has a bunch of different numbers on it and i dont know which is the serial number.
Anyone know which it is? How many digits and letters etc should be in the serial number?
thanks in advance.

I'm not sure whether they print the serial number on the box though, have you registered it?
I'm not sure whether they print the serial number on the box though, have you registered it?
Im not sure they print it on the box either. None of the numbers on the box resemble that pic, just the model number at the end.
it is registered.
How was it stolen :confused: house robbery or something?

Anyways good luck.
Was broken into while i was in collage. Caught him on CCTV. have a feeling the cnut might try trade it in tomorrow. So need to be able to identify the console.
Hes probably playing fifa09 right now the prick.
Do you not have the reciept?

If its registered, can't you just contact the place you registered it with telling them your details and ask them what the serial number is?

How do they go about this tracking business anyway? When you go online?
Was broken into while i was in collage. Caught him on CCTV. have a feeling the cnut might try trade it in tomorrow. So need to be able to identify the console.
Hes probably playing fifa09 right now the prick.

I was up 3-0 then he disconnected, the bastard.

sorry to hear about the burgulary
Weaste 'and anybody else who might know this' is it possible to transfer data from one ps3 to another without having to use an external hard drive?

I may be getting a 250gb slim for my Birthday 'paying for half of it' and selling my fat one to my old man who's getting the play tv that comes with my slim.
I believe that there is a new tool in the firmware that was introduced when the slim was launched, and it allows you to connect two PS3s with a cable and transfer everything. It deletes it all off the source PS3 in the process.
anyone help with a back up issue i'm having?

I want to do a back up of my PS3 as its gettin on now and i'm becoming increasingly paranoid it might die one day (based on nothin other than its age)
I upgraded its HDD a year or so ago and i have the original 60GB HDD i took out which i want to use for the back up. I put the original HDD back into the PS3 yesterday and formatted it i thne swapped them back and I now have it in an enclosure. However when i attempt to back up to it the PS3 does not recognise that anything is connected. Also when i plug it into the laptop it doesnt show up on there either, i've looked on the computer management and device manager options too but it doesnt list anywhere.

tso hats where i'm at, not sure what else to try now.
How do i get the PS3 to recognise this disc?
is it knackered? do i have a faulty enclosure (£3 from ebay)? is there something completely obvious im missing?
The blank one is formatted in what way, by what? The PS3? How are you trying to connect it to the PS3, via a USB cable?

You can't make a verbatim copy of the PS3 HDD, you have to use the backup tool from the XMB with a USB storage device connected and formatted in FAT32. The internal PS3 drive uses a proprietory encrypted file system unique to each PS3. Neither your laptop nor your PS3 will recognise it when connected via USB, only the PS3 will when installed internally.

If I'm understanding you correctly, you need to link it up to a PC and format it with FAT32 (leave the one with your data on inside the PS3). You can then connect it to the PS3 using USB and perform your backup.
The blank one is formatted in what way, by what? The PS3? How are you trying to connect it to the PS3, via a USB cable?

You can't make a verbatim copy of the PS3 HDD, you have to use the backup tool from the XMB with a USB storage device connected and formatted in FAT32. The internal PS3 drive uses a proprietory encrypted file system unique to each PS3. Neither your laptop nor your PS3 will recognise it when connected via USB, only the PS3 will when installed internally.

If I'm understanding you correctly, you need to link it up to a PC and format it with FAT32 (leave the one with your data on inside the PS3). You can then connect it to the PS3 using USB and perform your backup.

The HDD was formatted by the ps3 and I'm now trying to back it up via USB.
so if I can reformat the hdd to fat32 I should then be able to connect and back up.
I guess my problem now then is a pc one as my laptop doesn't recognise hdd either!
You have a bother then, it needs a PC to format it to FAT32.

I'm surprised that the USB to SATA case that you have it in does not tell the PC that there is some form of formatable media there however.

I'm sitting ATM with a 500gb hard drive permanently plugged into the ps3, even though I have a virtually empty 320gb hard drive on the ps3 itself. Any simple ways to do a mass transfer?
Use the ps3s hard drive to store all the avis and mp3s currently on the external one
Will give that a shot when I'm back home. just a waste to tie up a hard drive
Weaste, i've got a 120 gb sata hard drive. Is it possible for me to plug it into the ps3 using a usb link, backing up all my data and then putting it straight into the PS3 or will I have to use another hard drive to transfer the data on to and then put it in the playstation?
:( So I'd need a proper external hard drive then. hmmm

Alas its also out of an old macbook and it has a weird metal plate cover on it from Apple.

Edit: could I use an old ipod as an external?

It depends on what you want to do. However, the external drives the PS3 can read must be FAT32. Internal ones use the PS3 file system, and they are locked to a particular PS3. You can't for example take an internal HDD from one PS3 and put it in another and expect it to work with the data on it, it will wipe it. So, you need to back-up the PS3 to something, put in a new HDD, have it formatted, and then restore the back up to it and re-download your PSN content.
I'm just thinking, why haven't sony developed a system where you can simply take the hard drive out, put that hard drive in a cage, fit the new hard drive into the PS3 and then transfer the data from the old hard drive into the new one using USB. Save most having to have an external as well as a new hard drive to transfer data. It may just end up being easier to sign up to PSN+ and using cloud for my game saves. Cheaper then buying an external.
I'm quite sure that it's a security measure, it's been done this way on purpose. However, if you have two PS3s, there is a tool there to copy all of the stuff from one to the other, but it deletes the stuff from the source PS3 in the process. It's not a matter of it can't be done, it's a matter of they don't want you to do it!